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Shannon Xu sat in the therapist's office in an uncomfortable, overpriced chair with a frown on her face. It was the second Monday of the month - the one day of any month that she had agreed upon with her mom to see Dr. Davis.

Helen Davis was a professional woman - she kept her auburn hair in a tight knot at the base of her head, not a single hair out of place. She always wore a matching pantsuit and today it happened to be a hideous shade of purple velvet with pointy, white pumps. Her resting face was angular and calculating, but the false smile that she plastered on her lips helped to ease the harshness of her features.

Only a little. Her cupid's bow was still lined too sharp for Shay's liking.

The teenager hated coming to the tiny clinic in the too-big office complex way out of town. It was in the dead-smack middle of Fort Wayne and thirty minutes to the northeast. She always drove herself and her parents would speak to Helen to make sure that she actually showed up. The lack of parental supervision made her respect her parents a little more, but she still felt as if they were too busy to take two hours out of their day for their daughter.

But that was probably just the resentment talking.

See, her family still didn't know what had happened to her. Pamela believed that Shay was suffering from an eating disorder, anorexia to be precise. She may have lost a little weight over the past ten months, but it wasn't really a big deal. Her face had just slimmed down a little bit - at least, that's all she noticed when she looked in the mirror.

Pamela was also worried that her lack of communication with Bonnie was a result of the self-isolation that Shay had gotten used to. It was strange at first - going almost an entire day without talking to the blonde. But eventually days turned into weeks and it didn't feel so strange. It was easier to ignore her than to have to keep up with the draining lie that everything was fine. She had begun to give small hints that she didn't want to be around Wesley and no one was paying attention, so she began to lock herself away and it worked for her.

Helen appeared from around the corner with a notepad in one hand and a timer in the other, frantically walking to the chair set across from her teenage patient, "So, Shay, is there anything specific you want to talk about today?" 

The brunette finally ripped her eyes away from the blank white walls, her eyes seemingly copying the blankness of them as she looked at the therapist, "I haven't eaten in two days. I'm falling behind in my history class. My life is going to shit. Pick one and maybe I'll divulge." 

The older woman frowned in response to Shay's abnormally blunt behavior, but quickly covered it up with a polite smile as she adjusted in her chair. Shay knew that she was trying not to stare at her unkempt hair and darkening bags under her eyes, but she didn't really care at this point.

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