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The two cups of coffee that Shay had forced down her throat did not help her energy in any way. Her bladder was so full that it physically hurt to sit down and drive to school, but her eyelids were still sitting low enough that  Bonnie thought she was sleep driving. 

Maybe the coffee would have been more effective had she actually eaten her breakfast instead of sliding it around the plate and picking out chunks, but that was too far in the past to change now. 

Bonnie had tried to start a conversation using their 'talk or mute' method, but after Shay had chosen to mute this ride, she settled into the passenger side and resorted to staring out of the window for her entertainment. Both girls were going through their respective issues, but this side of Shay was entirely new. It scared Bonnie.

Shay stomped onto the brakes of her car as a sleek, black one cut her off on her way to turn into the parking lot. The girl threw her hand into the horn and flipped the car off with her other hand, but she knew the driver didn't notice. Instead of throwing a huge fit, which would have normally been her course of action, Shay just reluctantly pulled into the parking lot a bit slower. Just in case someone else wanted to speed around her. 

She pulled her car into a space that was a row behind Steve's. The only reason that she knew it was his was because Nancy was standing up halfway out of the passenger side, staring at the driver of that obnoxiously loud car that had cut her off. Shay did her best to avoid speaking to either Nancy or Steve and notably took the longer route that would ensure she wouldn't be seen.

Bonnie followed behind her best friend, confused as to what was going on but stayed quiet. She knew that Shay and Nancy hadn't really spoken since all that shit had happened, but there was no way that they were just avoiding each other. Unless that was a requirement for everyone to keep quiet about everything, that they weren't supposed to keep in contact with one another. Or maybe it was just everyone's way of coping with what they'd all experienced - maybe if they stayed quiet, the nightmares wouldn't seem so real anymore.

They managed to enter the school building unseen, greeted by the smell of moldy cracks in the walls and dirty socks. It was like they didn't even have janitors. The stench of smoke was even worse, though, and it soon became clear why.

A blond guy passed around the two best friends, wearing a two-toned denim outfit and sporting a thin and quite ratty mullet. Despite how non-attracted to him that Shay was, every girl in the hallway seemed entranced by the sudden appearance of a new kid. A few guys too, most notably Tommy, who had been trying his best to stay socially relevant after Steve dumped him and Carol in favor of having someone around him who actually gave a shit.

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