Sophie's POV

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I was excited as ever I asked Sian to the dance on our street even though it wasn’t that big of a deal. But to me it was because think about I have liked since the week of me knowing her so I have taken a big risk for asking. Well the reason for that because the last time I ask to do something with me she totally dissed well since she was dating Ryan now that have broken up I kinda feel happy since you know she doesn’t have anyone to do anything with she is always with me. Ryan was pretty upset well she broke up with him because she found out that he was cheating on her with her best friend (not me or Tori someone else you find out).

I wasn’t a happy camper when i heard about I went to his house and cuss him out I love her not as you know like that but you as a best friend. Some people thinking why would you like someone you barely know. Well think about 3 months ago I was on side of the streets with 2 other girls I kinda needed somebody to spend time with. Anyway today me and Sian are going to the mall to buy a dress for the dance later on tonight the dance isn’t until 9 but we want to get done shopping early so we can hang out. 

At The Mall

We walk in and hear the ding sound I love that sound it’s so cool hey don’t judge me I know I’m not normal and I really don’t care. We look pass a lot of dresses until two caught our eyes they were just amazing one was a light blue with diamonds on the top and was like shredded at the bottom. The other one was long pink dress with diamond all across the top and it had sparkles across the dress it was gorgeous. We thought we could not match but have some coronation with our colors, so we totally bought the dresses and went to the jewelry side of the mall and looked at tiaras, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, I bought diamond earrings with really light pink bracelets and diamond necklace. Sian went all out she bought pink earrings, diamond necklace, light blue bracelet and of course she beg me to get the tiara and as beautiful as she is I couldn’t resist so I did we will looked sexy as hell. 

Later at the dance

Of course we were like 15 minutes early so we just helped with drinks and food. About 30 minutes later there were about probably 200 people at the dance. Me and Sian were dancing and having a time of our lives then it was ruined by Ryan. Hey girls he said. Hi Ryan what do you need I said. He laugh and said well duh I came here to get my girlfriend back. I immediately stopped him there I laugh I said Ryan I don’t know what you are thinking but Sian is not interested so please leave. He scolded and went on his way I looked at Sian she was smiling like a freak she started laughing and said is someone jealous. Laughing nervously I just shook my head she was like it okay a lot of my mates are like that. Thank god she said mates and not like girlfriend or something like that.

An 1 Hour later

We were all tired me, Sian, and tori we crawled into the flat and laid on the floor. Do any of you guys want to go upstairs I said. We all shook our heads I knew from the start that we were too tired to do anything an we fell asleep right there on the floor. I wake up to screaming I jump up I should’t have done a sharp pain with through my back like someone had drag a knife through my spine. It was Tori she was having the same pain she was crying and Sian was holding her. I thought it was sweet so I got up and fix Tori some tea she drunk it so fast it was faster the speed of light. She said she felt better like a whole lot better which was good. So we all decided to stay at home today and watch movies together girls day. 

That Night

The seat arrangement on the couch was me,sian and tori. Tori most likely likes to be in the end I like to be in the front and Sian loves to be in the middle of everything she is weird like that. First we watched The Lion King best movie ever, then Princess and the Frog that movie is okay, third The Notebook we cried the whole time, and last but not least we watched The Perfect Ending that’s me and Sian’s  absolutely favorite movie ever. We laughed and cried it was an awesome girls night and day. Sian had fell asleep on me in the middle of The Perfect Ending it was cute I made sure Tori was awake because she has never seen that movie which is stupid but whatever. She fell asleep right on the credits it was funny I picked her up and took her upstairs and put her in her bed. Then Sian she had woke up about 2 steps in the movement, she looked up towards me and smiled I couldn’t really tell what she was thinking so I asked. She said that it was weird because her mom said she will one day be swept off her feet by her prince charming not      princess. Hey you will never know I said laughing hard. I put her on the side of her bed and I went to go change into my pajamas and got in the bed on my side. Right when I got on my side and laid down Sian came towards me and started cuddle my arm it was adorable. Right then and there I notice maybe she does have feelings for me more than a friend or not let’s find out I got up and.....

Cliff Hanger sorry guys

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