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Tori's POV
Haha that movie was amazing. I know right other than my mother showing up said Sophie. I know baby but she's gone now. Don't you guys remember when we met and everything. Oh yeah a little let's tell it to Frank. Tell what to frank.
Frank is Kevin's best mate sorry I haven't mention him earlier
About the story and our stories and how we met. I want to hear this said Frank.


Okay so I was on the streets since I was 16. My mother was the greatest mother you could have ever(you thought something different). But my dad on the other hand was the worst he was abusive to my mother and I. He was always drunk one day it was so bad he came home from work drunk and crazy ,which is not normal for him, he slurred my name ophie Webster get you butt down here now. I peak behind the wall to see if he was high or drunk he's eyes were red and he stumbled when he walk I knew it. I could feel my eyes begin to water he pulls my hair and drag me to the couch and started punching all I could feel was my eyes closing and my heart beat beginning to slow down. I wake up the next morning on my mother's bed with bags around me. My mother had her brown hair with blonde highlighted up in a ponytail on the top of her head.

Sophie, baby wake up we need to go before you father gets home. I tried questioning her but all she said was come on Sophie we need to hurry. We jump in the car and drive off I felt guilty about leaving my dad I knew he was abusive but he was still my father. We could have got him help or something not just abandoning him like this but my mother knows best. My eyes begin to get heavy and I let them take control of me. I woke up pretty quickly because I could feel the car stop very quickly I jump to see what happen but all I could see was people lots of people on the sidewalk. Sophie I could hear my mom say my name I look and see her beside me she tells me to get out I get out and sit on the side of the sidewalk.
Man that is messed up wait is this woman we saw today at the movies. Yeah it was sian said. Messed up I'm sorry sophie. It's fine frank that's for being a good mate.

Sian's POV

My mom was a drug addicted and my dad left us when I was 5 so I didn't have my dad around. My mom would sell my body to get her daily drugs I felt so used and violated. She would always tell me that I was useless. Sometimes I would believe her and cut myself we would never go to church she even told me that their was no God. I didn't believe because I would go to bible study with my friends. When I came home every day she would ask me where I was every day. I would tell her that I was selling drugs and she would ask me where was the money I told her i spent on getting high. Of course she believe and she slap me she said I was a stupid bitch and she would was ashamed of me.One day after a couple of weeks after my 14 birthday I pack my bag and went out on my own and now I am 17 I have been on the streets for 3 years. I do not sell my body or sell drugs I try not to go back to that dark side of my life. Right now is a happy place even though I don't have a house or a job I don't need that to be happy I have my bible everyday I pray that a wonderful thing will happen to the people who pray and read the bible. But at that time I was just living one day at a time. Now I don't have to do that know since I live in a flat with my amazing girlfriend and my best mates.

Tori's POV
I don't know what to do ma she was great until 9th grade but I know it's not her fault. When I went to the PTO meeting I overheard a parent talking to another parent about her son bullying other students. The bully parent was shocked that her son would such a thing. But it was sure because Tori told me hundreds of times that certain boy was picking on her. Sarah it's don't your fault a lot of kids got bullied I even remember when a certain 8th grader girl got bullied a lot. Mom don't bring me in to this. I'm not but all I am saying is don't be surprised when something happens and you know it has been going on since the day of time.I know mom but all I'm saying is that she shouldn't give into peer pressure. Sarah how do you every question your own daughter like that. I'm not but all I'm saying is... Shut up mom I didn't do anything I told Mr.Power what I saw and those other kids told a lie on me and now you are taking their side. I couldn't take it anymore went upstairs and got my bag and ran out the door. My mom asked me where I was going. All I had to say was away from you I just keep walking and Sian saw me and she took me in so basically we are like sisters closer than most of my mates.

Kevin's POV
I was on the streets for years and years until I finally got old enough to man up and take lead. I was 14 years old when I first landed on the streets. My dad was a drug addict and he would take me on the streets with him. He had these three buddies that he use to hang out with him I liked them they always gave me candy. One day I was hanging out with Paul,Sam and John on the sidewalk talking about school. My dad comes out of nowhere with coke all over his face and the cops behind him. My dad said there there's my son I told you I had one.
The police-Son is this your father
Kevin-No idk who that man is
Police-Sir is this true
Father-What no that little bastard you know I am your father
Kevin-No my father is right here and he points to John
Police-Then who is this
Kevin- I don't know sir I think you got the wrong boy
Father- What no that's my son we like exactly alike
Police- Sir that's enough we are going to have to take in you down to the station
Father- You little bastard when I get out I will find you

Later on that day

John and can we go to the park. Sure little man. Walking to the park I hear gun shots next thing I knew john was on the ground bleeding what it look like from his back. I hear come here you piece of shit. My so called dad grab me from behind he pushed me on the grass and starts kicking me I was curled into a ball crying uncontrollably.

Wow guys I didn't know you guys were so wow I am lucky to call you guys my mates.

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