Chapter Four: Jacques

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I found myself wanting to hang out with Prismo all the time. But within the week, he had to go back to the ship with his father. The crew felt better in a handful of days, and it took all Prismo's pleading to keep them the rest of the week just to hang out with me longer.

My cheeks warmed at the thought of seeing him again. I watched him sail away last night, waving, until his form no longer stood out against the crew bolstering behind him.

"You should go out today," Katie told me, interrupting my thoughts, "Father said he doesn't need help at the shop today. Mother said the King had an announcement, but we can't go see it working in the tavern."

I let my head roll on my hand, turning to look at her. Prismo would be back within the month, he just sailed down the harbor to deliver the 'non-disclosable' cargo. No doubt he'd be back soon. I just had to make myself busy and time would fly by faster.

"Hey." Katie said, "Did you hear a word I said?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll go check out the announcement. It's in the middle of town, right?" I asked, suddenly curious.

She looked confused for a moment and brushed it off quickly. Katie was smart for only being thirteen. I remembered when I was thirteen, I used to hang out with that noble girl, Caroline. We would walk home from our penmanship classes. It made me remember when that assassin came flying down from the rooftops—

"Yeah, it's in the middle of town. Everything they announce is always in the middle of town." She paused, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I stood, "I'll go get dressed."

"I bet you're thinking about Prismo. That's all you and dad would talk about at dinner." Katie teased, "I only saw him once, but he has such long hair! It's a wonder you aren't afraid of him being a pirate, only pirates are that unkept. Even sailors have half a mind to keep their hair reasonably—"

"Shut up, Katie, you don't know anything about him." I snapped, "If anything, he's a privateer. They were carrying some of the King's cargo, that's why they got attacked in the first place..."

I said too much. Grabbed my stale bread off the plate. Raced up my ladder.

"Whaddya mean, King's cargo? Dad only told me that he had secret—"

But my hatch door cut off her voice.

"The Order of the Black Lotus is hosting a Tournament of the Sword, fee with signup; the winner glorified in riches!"

The town square was booming with vendors, city-folk, and courtyard guards. But what really attracted me was the exclamation of gold and splendor coming from the King's steward, who stood wielding a scroll in the middle of the square. He was flanked by castle guards brandishing the official seal of the king. Each one stood on watch, hands naturally resting on the hilts of their broadswords. People surrounded the circle of guards; not only was it a sight to witness, it was official.

I felt people beginning to swarm behind me as I stood blocking the path. I quickly sidestepped into the back of the growing crowd, avoiding gazes heavily-laden with annoyance. I almost felt like shoving my way through to the front of the mob when someone ran into me.

"Hey, little lady, fancy a coin?"

I rounded on the raucous voice, staggering from the impact, "You mind?"

"Not at all, I'd be prided to do it here; even." It was a tall, nasally, barrel-chested man. His eyes were constantly flitting from side to side, always aware despite managing to run headlong into me.

"Excuse me, I'm not a whore!" I protested with a glare.

"I know a harlot when I see one. You want the money now, or after?"

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