Chapter Three

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The following days I spent hanging out with Prismo. His father was busy checking up on his crew in the nearest hospital. More than a dozen had fallen ill within 12 hours, it was luck that led me father to recognize the danger before they set sail again.

Prismo was more than thrilled to help me around the apothecary, after yesterday's run in with that strange man. But this was a strange place. No one in town was truly a good person unless you knew them intimately. I wasn't bothered by the attack, but that's not to say I wasn't on edge.

"So, this is what you do all day?" Prismo asked me that morning. He had slept on the ship and returned just hours ago to find me up early, watering the plants we had in the apothecary.

"Not really. Usually I help my mother at the tavern, but my sister Katie is running tables today." I stifled a sigh, "I actually enjoy it here, the light, the smells..."

His grin was as bright as the blue in his eyes.

"It sure smells different here in the city compared to the winds of the sea."

"I'd bet. The crew probably smells like sour sweat and ale." I snorted.

"Actually, it's better than you'd imagine." Prismo took the jug from my hands and swished the water around inside of it, "The water is more blue than the sky. The men, sure they reek, but they're almost always in a good mood. And the smell is of salt and wood. It's only bad when my beard grows out and everything sticks to it. You're lucky you met me when we had come to port just a day ago. Otherwise you'd think I were less attractive." His eyes twinkled.

"Oh, really?" I scoffed. Sure, he was fairly attractive, but Prismo knowing he was attractive made it far less appealing.

"Absolutely." Handing me the jug, our fingers brushed for a moment. I couldn't keep the blood from rising to my cheeks. He knew I found him attractive. It made things awkward. I wished I hadn't worn such a short skirt today. Maybe I'll start wearing trousers.

"You know." I gave him a sultry look, "It's more attractive when men aren't as confident in their looks."

"Well—I'll have you know—"

He stopped when I splashed the water in his face. It drenched him, nearly a gallon of water crashing into his face, soaking the hair tied in a low ponytail, and dousing his fresh blouse so it stuck to his beefy chest.

"Aaargh!" He bellowed, eyes glittering in fury.

I started cackling.

"You filthy land-lubber!" He cackled, grabbing my arms around the shoulders.

"Stop! You'll get me all wet!" I tried running away, my sides shaking with laughter.

His eyebrows shot into the air, and he pulled me to the ground. I fought against his weight for a moment before giving in.

"I'll show you wet." He growled, unfurling his hair. He shook his hair all over me like a wet dog. I screamed, lifting my arms to shield my face from the water.

"I—didn't mean—it!" I said between spurts of laughter.

He stood above me, grinning like a madman. His hair pooled beside his head, continuing to drip all over me. Sticking out a hand, Prismo offered to help me up.

I shoved his hand away, mocking annoyance.

"Get away from me, you dog." I rolled over, clambering to my feet. I brushed off my top, noticing that it wasn't as wet as I thought it'd be.

"That wasn't called for." He said, picking the pot up off the ground where I'd dropped it.

"Your reaction was uncalled for." I stuck out my tongue, snatching the pot from his hands with a shake of my head.

"You think I'd be bothered by all of this water?" Prismo started wringing out his hair, holding it over one of the plants to let the water drip into it. "I grew up sprayed by salt water, this is a more cleaner bath."

"You're preposterous." I watched the tendons on his hand gripping his hair, how they strained and moved. My cheeks flushed over again.

"What does that mean?" He asked, tying his hair back behind his head.

"Like, uh, ridiculous." I bent my head to the side, "or unreasonable. It's meant to have a bad connotation."

"A bad...connotation?"

I waved my hand, "I mean, taken in a bad way." I took his hand, apologetically, "It was a joke, sorry Prismo."

"Oh!" He squeezed my hand in the same way he was squeezing his hair, "Don't worry. I'm trying to read more, have a more stronger vocabulary."

His grammar came off a bit cute, I couldn't help myself from smiling.

"Just say 'more' a bit less. It'll sound better if you stopped talking to pirates." I told him.

"Aye aye ma'am." Prismo grinned back.

"I'm just about finished up in here, do you want to come with me to my mother's? My father should be by soon to watch for customers."

"I'd love to."

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