2. I'll Make you proud

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We had a plan if this ever happened.

I called someone on my phone telling them that it was time.

We hopped into a limo going back to the hospital. Y/n was still sleeping. I carried her into Hinoka's room. She was staring out the window.

"Mrs. L/N. have you heard the news?"
She looked over at me and nodded but before she could say anything police entered the room
"sorry for barging in miss. For one we just wanted to give you our condolences."
Hinoka just nodded. She seemed sicker than earlier today.
"We also wanted to inform you on the living situation. As you know Mind Grip was your daughters primary Guardian. Seeing as you are unfit to take her into custody you still have a choice in who she lives with."
She looked over at me with tears in her eyes.
"Ah yes. I don't have any family but I have a very good friend who i'd like to be her guardian. He already signed the contract." she pulls a paper out from underneath her pillow and hands it to the officer.
"thats his address."
She laid down in the bed closing her eyes.
"B-bye Y/n."

Y/n was still sleeping.

"Ok young man. We'll take her from here."
I denied as I fixed my grip on y/n

"i would like to come with you. She is like my little sister. I want to make sure she is ok."
The officer nodded and led the way out side into his car.
We drove for what seemed like 20 minutes. Until we stopped in front of a simple house.
Y/n was still sleeping. Man, this girl could sleep.
As we walked up to the door the porch lights turned on. The officer knocked on the door.
The door opened and a man appeared. He looked hobo-ish. Like he hadn't slept in days. His hair was Long and shaggy.

"Can I help you?" he looked over and seen me and y/n

"Hi, Ryoka. Guessing you being here with her isn't good news."
I just moaned

"Hi, sir. We are to inform you that you are receiving full custody of the child. Is that right?"
The man scratched his forehead
"Yes. That's correct."

"Ok. I will be leaving now. Have a good night uh didn't catch your name."
The officer turned.

"Aizawa. Have a good night officer."
The officer nodded and preceded to leave.

"Ok. Come in and let's talk you can go put her up in the spare room."
I walked in the house and went up the small stair case into the room. I put her down and tucked her in kissing her forehead good night.
I left closing the door walking back down stairs into the kitchen.

"mmm. I suppose your staying here too?" Aizawa asked

"Ya. I don't really have a family. I do but they couldn't care less. But if im intruding ill find somewhere else."

Aizawa shook his head.
"No. I couldn't do that to y/n you are her Brother after all. I wouldn't want her hating me."

I chuckle.
"Her mother wants her to continue training. I have the contact she gave me. She's the only one allowed to train her I guess. Well as Rin put it."

"Ok. That should be alright. But it better not be to intense or I'll stop it."

I nod my head in agreement

"well, im going to head to bed. We'll officially move in tomorrow."
Aizawa groaned and did the same

Next Morning Your POV.

I woke up at 7. It was natural for me. I always woke up at that time. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't in my room. Immediately I start to freak out calling for my brother.

"OKA?! OKA?!"
He came busting in the room half asleep.

"Hey little buddy it's ok. You're safe im right here."
I stood up and ran to him squeezing him.

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