3. 10 months of torture.

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"I'll make you proud mommy."

Time skip baby!
8 years Friday
Age: 15

Your POV

"Is that all you got?"
I wiped the blood from my mouth looking at Yuki as she was on her ass staring at me.
I was finally better than Yuki. Maybe not better but her equal. We still trained everyday.

"Let's see you keep that smirk on your face after I beat your ass."
Yuki sprung up. And got into her combat stance

She jumped forward swinging at my face. I dodged it but she had kneed me in my stomach knocking me down on my knees

"Ha. Is that all you got?"
I chuckled as I struggled for some air.

"Alright were done for today! There is some stuff I gotta take care of."
She took my hand lifting me up.

"I'll see you Monday! Love you, you dummy head"
She patted my head
"Alright. Love you too!"
I walked in my house wiping my sweat away with my towel.

"Dad? Oka?"
Hmm. They must have went out grocery shopping or something.
I went to the fridge to grab a water and I saw a note on the fridge.

"Little sis, I'm going on a trip for the weekend! Sorry I legit forgot to tell you! Forgive me. There is money on your dresser! Spend it wisely!"

Then I saw a second note. This time it was from dad.
"Hey kid. Sorry I too 'legit' forgot to tell you! But I'm going on a school trip. I will be back Sunday night. I too left money on your dresser so...ya. Love you kid! Be safe! Call me if you need anything. I also called Mitsuki. So she knows to check in on you."

I grinned at the letters! Mitsuki? My other mother! I have like 4 moms! Mine...Rei, Mitsuki and Inko. I love them all! I'm so grateful for them! I don't have many woman figures in my life....except Yuki but she's manlier than most men.

I went up to my room and saw a wad of cash on my dresser. Jeez I don't think I'll need this much but who am I to complain.

I didn't feel like being alone so I decided to see if anyone wanted to hang out.

To: Angry Hedgehog
From: y/n

Hey Dude! Wanna hang out tomorrow? How about the Arcade or something? My family is out and it's gonna be frickin boring!

From: Angry Hedgehog
To: y/n

Ew nerd...why would I ever want to hang out with you!

To: Angry Hedgehog
From: Y/n

Shut up you ass! Be there at 6 tomorrow! Bring Izuku and if you're mean to him in my presence...I will "Kill you" and you know I could.

From: Angry Hedgehog
To: y/n

Fuck you!! Fine I'll be there with the shitty nerd! Also we could fucking fight...
gtg the old bat made dinner and is calling my name!

To: Angry Hedgehog
From: Y/n


I locked my phone throwing it on my bed! Then I remembered something else. I had to see if Shoto wanted to hang out on Sunday. My phone rang before I could even pick it up


"Y/n!! Just making sure you didn't die. I made your favorite curry! If you would like to come over and have some!"

"Thank you Mitsuki. I'll be over there in a minute just gotta take a quick shower...
Bye love you too!"

I hung up and took a shower! Mustuki is nice but that woman is impatient. I started getting dress as well as texting Todoroki.

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