4. All I remember from that

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U.A entrance exams.

I woke up and put on my normal attire. It was pretty early. I walked out of my house saying goodbye to my brother. Aizawa had already left. Thanks for waking me up I guess.

I left my house and stood on the sidewalks. I was tempted to go to Katsuki's house but I wasn't ready to face him just yet.
I just decided to catch the train and go straight there. Once I was on the train I got a message from Yuki.

From: Hardcore redhead.
To: y/n

Go break a leg kid! Don't let this training go to waste I believe in you. Love ya!

I didn't reply. I just smiled the whole way to my stop.

I walked down the street and seen the big gates. "U.A"
I've been here before so I wasn't all that surprised. I started walking until I seen the familiar Green Haired boy. As I was walking over he tripped and a girl caught him. I stopped and smiled he was always so clumsy. After they finished talking I proceeded and waved.

"Izuku? Is that you? Christ, you look ripped."

He immediately knew who I was. He smiled hugged me.
"Y/n I've missed you. Hah. Have you seen yourself you look ripped too."

I chuckled.
"Ya. I took your idea and trained hard. So it's to be expected. Guess we made it huh. Just one final test and we'll be in. Anyway have you seen Kacchan? He should be here too right?"

He scratched the back of his head.
"Ya. I seen him. He pushed me earlier but its same old same old."

My face changed and he noticed. Izuku knew he was my little brother and the thought of him getting hurt aggravated me.

"But it wasn't anything y/n I promise just an accident, Jeez you're scary. So protective. Guess it's to be expected from my 'big' sister."
He laughed.
"while we better get in there. I'll see you later."
He started walking away and I loosely followed.

Time skip. Into the presentation room.


I covered my ears. Damn uncle Mic could make an entrance. I glared at him until his eyes met mine. He smiled and waved proceeding with his presentation.
He explained the test until he was interrupted by a guy wearing glasses. He said there was an error in the pamphlet then proceeded to insult someone I looked over at who he pointed at and seen It was Izuku which easily ticked me off

"Listen here Glasses. He hadn't finished presenting. Sit down and stop insulting people. Especially my friend over there. So I suggest you shut up and let him finish."

His eyes widened and he sat down apologizing. I looked over at Izuku winking at him. He just smirked. Next to him I seen Kacchan. He just looked at me with wide eyes and then looked away. Wow, not even a wave?

"Thanks y/n. Yes as I was saying..."

Mic finished his presentation.

Time skip. The exams.

I was ready. This was gonna be a breeze. I'll just use my Telekinesis to dismember the robots.
I used my Telekinesis to lift myself of the ground and fly around the arena. (Like Jean from Dark Phoenix) I started finding Robots and destroying them with ease. I helped a few people who were in danger along the way. After a while the biggest robot came out. I was kinda far but I flew over pretty quick. I seen someone who was in danger, it the girl who helped Izuku this morning. Before I could react I heard loud screams.


I looked up and seen the robot being punched. The boy who I couldn't see clearly began falling to the floor. Faster and faster. I flew as close as I could before catching him with my Telekinesis and placing him on the floor. As I got closer I had realized who it was. Izuku? How? I thought he was quirkless.

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