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I opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar place

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar place. The lake, the moon lilies, the water lilies, all of it. The feeling was so real, like I was really here, but where is this?

I found myself standing in front of the lake when I came to my senses. My eyes searched the place only to remember one memory.

"The lady... where is she?"

I tried to move, but I was surprised at the heavy weight that I felt wrapped around me. Slowly, my eyes drifted down. Why am I wearing these again?

Clothes and armour of a warrior, not just any warrior, it looked like high ranking warrior. However heavy, I was only surprised when I was able to walk perfectly with them around.

"Chàri, you must come to your senses." I hear a voice say behind me. I immediately turn around and there she was.

The same astral aura, the palest face and the darkest hair, her silver eyes and her glowing clothes. Who was she again? She's so familiar yet so strange. "Wh-who are you?" I gather the courage to ask.

Her lips lifted into a sad smile. "How cruel for a warrior to forget her mistress... but it is a must." she looked straight into my eyes and I could see that she was hurting. "We don't have much time. Dynami, Elpída and Effyía... you must find them. You must stop the Hunters or else the were kind will be forever gone."

"Dynami... Elpída... Effyía..."

"Dynami... Elpída... Effyía... Dyn—"

"Hannah, wake up." I felt a hand shake me and I gasp as I awoke, feeling like air had escaped me. I was desperately gasping for air when a very concerned Beta Alec showed up in front of me. "Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked.

"I--I'm fine,"-- I breathed, "just a weird dream." I assured him as I sat up on my bed. When I had calmed down, I looked at Alec and wondered why he was in my room. "Why are you here?"

"I was wondering why you woke up so late, but Ian sent me to tell you that you won't have training today. Everybody's preparing for the return of the elders and the others tonight. They're throwing a whole party and all."

Right, that was today. The day I had been waiting for the past week now. Ever since I had healed that little girl's knee, I had experienced a few weird abilities? I don't know...

There was one time when I was training with Ian and we were training with our wolves. Basically, I had to fight with my wolf while staying in my human form. So I shew my wolf, my claws came out and my senses sharpened. I was readying myself when Ian stared at me weirdly.

When I asked him what was wrong, he told me that my eyes were silver. I never knew my eyes turned silver when I was in my wolf form. I knew I was a grey wolf, but my eyes changing colours when I wasn't even a high ranking wolf? It was super weird. Ian tried to ignore the fact, but during our whole session, I knew that it distracted him.

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