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The sun was shining bright and I had to use my hand as a shield from the sunlight

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The sun was shining bright and I had to use my hand as a shield from the sunlight. I had just stepped out for the first time in a long time and well, I had to adjust at the brightness.

It's my first time outside since the battles a week and a half ago. The adjustment to being recognized as a Luna was starting to get hard. Everyone catered to me and my needs. They didn't let me do anything too heavy, they were worried that I wasn't fully healed yet.

Although no one said it, I knew everyone must've thought that I was fragile. When the helpers came to change my bandages, they did it with the uttermost care and I let them. Whenever somebody came to do anything for me, I let them. I could feel it was-- in a way,-- their apology.

I started feeling the pack's sentiments slowly although the Luna ceremony won't be held in another week.

"Luna, you're going outside? Will you be fine? Do you want me to go with y--" Katey, a young she-wolf nearing her shifting age, neared me with her concerns. I'm starting to suspect that this is all done under Ian's orders.

I smiled at her and shook my head. "No, thank you Katey. I just need to clear my mind for a bit, but maybe Andrea will need help at the ballroom." I told her. She thought for a while, unclear on what to do, but then she nods.

"Alright, please just link any of us if you need any help." she says as she turns away. I waited until she disappeared from my vision until I turned to the forest.

I still loved the way the branches snapped under my feet, the fresh smell of the forest was calming me. It was what I needed.

But then the question popped in my head again. What now?

Sure, I've won my battles, but what now? I still have a lot of things to do. Out there, the other three warriors must still be fighting their own battles. I have yet to find them, and the only clue I have were the fragmented memories that the moon goddess gave to me.

And I was particularly worried about one warrior. Dynami.

She's a rogue.

Pinpointing where she is would be so difficult.

I sighed and let my wolf take over. As soon as the control was passed to her, I shifted and started the run around the pack territory. We were probably running for over two hours when my wolf finally decided to take a break over in one of the small lake where she drank water.

I noticed that my speed increased, in a way my senses got even better. My awareness of my surroundings were greatly improved. The strength that flowed through my blood and senses were unnatural now, but it will only take a while when I get used to them.

I heard a movement among the bushes and the scent that filled the air let me know who it was. It was Ian. My wolf turned over to him only to see the black wolf that swayed slowly towards us.

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