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A/N: hello guys! i would just like to take this moment to tell you that i've published 'Queen of the Rogues' which will be the story of Dynamí. i hope you show her some love too!

*A/N: Mischievous Alec leaving the scene

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*A/N: Mischievous Alec leaving the scene

Ian's mom made a bee line towards me, a strict look on her face but when she stopped in front of me, her lips smiled brightly. Without saying anything, she pulls me in for a tight embrace, one where I almost couldn't breathe in.

"H-hello, ma'am." I greeted. She pulled away, but her hands remained on my arms. She looked at me from head toe with a big smile. Her eyes twinkled and I could only guess of what went inside her head.

"My name is Dana, no need for formalities, dear." she said smiling. She turned to my right where Ian was standing. He was ready to give her a hug, but she walked passed him and greeted the others.

Everyone noticed it and some couldn't help but be surprised and some could only chuckle. I looked at Ian who only sighed.

I sent him a questioning look, but he only smiled.

Finally, Dana walked back towards me and held my arm. "Well, I assume lunch is ready?" she seemed to ask me. Thoughtlessly, I nodded. "Great! Let's go, I'm starving." She pulled me along with her and all I could do was follow.

'You seem to have gotten your mother angry at you?' I link my mate. Dana was telling me how tired she was from her travel.

I looked back where Ian and the others followed. The others have already started to laugh at Ian's misery. 'She'll get over it soon.' was all Ian said back.

We entered the pack house and Dana led us all to the kitchens. Everyone that met her bowed and she greeted them back.

When she saw Laura, she squealed and ran to meet her. They were starting to tell stories, but Dana quickly dismissed her and told her that they would catch up later.

Dana sat at the head of the table and she made me sit to her right side. Beside me, Ian sat and afterwards, Alec. In front of me was Andrea sided by Elliot.

"It's nice for you to finally visit us, aunt Dana." Andrea spoke. I wondered why she didn't live here with her son. And what happened to Ian's father?

"Well, I would've come sooner if someone actually missed me and asked me to visit." Dana answered. Immediately, we all knew who she was talking about. Tension started to settle in.

I instinctively looked at Ian who seemed unaffected with his mother's answer. Under the table, he took my hand and rubbed it gently.

Hmm... I wonder how his relationship with his mother is, right now, I can't really judge. There seems to be hostility which would make me think that they're not close. But something in me told me that that's not it.

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