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A pale woman with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes stood before the full moon looking with tears in her eyes as she dropped to her knees. Her family was of low status but she didn't want to be forced to marry someone she didn't love. She was in love with someone her father would never allow her to be with; a Tribesman, a guard in his tribe but a Tribesman nonetheless. The young woman had been thrown out by her father and lost her home when he discovered his second and youngest daughter was pregnant with an animal's child.

Wandering around in the rainforest and hungry from having nothing all day she dropped to her knees and cried in silence. A hand found its way in between her shoulders and the smell of blood hit her senses. Looking up quickly she was him, the Tribesman she only knew as Vincent.

"Rachael, my love..." Vincent was surprised when his mate hugged him close and cried softly. "Did something happen?"

"My father threw me out and said if I came back home he'd kill me." Rachael said through sobs and sniffles. "I'm with a child, Vincent, your child."

He was angry at Rachael's father but happy that they were going to be a family of their own. The Northern Tribe knew Rachael and trusted her which had taken 3 years time. The women and children loved her as a member and the men had taken a great shine to her, yet they kept their distance. The chief welcome Rachael as a Nursing Mother, she had helped care for the many children when the other nursing mothers had their hands full.

She grew accustomed to the meals of meat even if it was human. This was during the course of her pregnancy had really been more of a need because of the baby being picky. The two younger Nursing Mothers stayed near Rachael for a number of reasons but the two main reasons were; 1. If someone wasn't near her, Rachael would try to find any human meat she could get her hands on. 2. Rachael had a tendency to wander off and find herself in trouble with certain mother animals.

It was around the 14th Winter sunrise when the baby was born and Rachael let her herself be guided by the eldest Birthing Mother. The Head Birthing Mother held Rachael's hands, told her when to push, and even to slap the younger a couple of times to keep her awake. Vincent was on guard patrol with four others when his mate gave birth to his child, a baby girl.

The chief had sent another guard to replace Vincent so he could be with his mate and pup. When he was his daughter a patch of blue-black hair and big blue eyes looked him with joy. He held his daughter she was strong for being so small and his mate had agreed to let him name their child.

He had chosen the name Cielia after his grandmother who had been small as a child but had a temper to rival an angry boar. Yet Rachael's father found out and decided to do something about that stain in his faimly; he'd kill his own daughter, her husband, and that soiled child of theirs. He snuck into the land and the house his disgraced kin lived in, and he slit both his daughter and son-in-law's throats. Than he turned to the crib and snatched up his granddaughter before running off into the forest. As the man ran his feet slipped and he tumbled down a steep hill with his head slamming into a rock killing him instantly from the speed his body was going. Cielia slid out of her grandfather's arms and came to a stop on the path near a jaguar den just as the sun was rising to start the day.

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