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Cielia yawned and stretched as her nap was interrupted by some of the children who were screaming as shouts rang out. The Western Tribe was here, and that was unforgivable due to all Tribe Laws. Sebastian had told her of the three laws all Tribes followed.

1. All people, pups/children or pregnant women, found of Tribe lands must be taken in.
2. The Tribes must tell each other when they enter and why they are across the border.
3. No Tribe shall invade another's land no matter how that Tribe is.

The guards couldn't defend the women and children all at once. Cielia picked up the lone bundled baby in her teeth handed the babe off to an older child. Nugding the children Cielia and the women moved the pups all into the store house. Cielia stayed near the door, just as a foul smell and the door opened to a man from then Western Tribe. Dropping from her place in the rafts the man was tackled out of the doorway.

Tribe Leader called a retreat when he saw Cielia slash his guardsman's clean open killing him almost instantly. The Western Tribe left as the women and pups came out of hiding, none were harmed. Most the pups hugged up on Cielia which she welcomed she would keep them safe as was her duty. The women took the dead man and started making lunch. Sebastian was in shock at the Jaguar Girl's kill she wouldn't forgive easily but that man had deserved his death.

The pups stayed huddled around Cielia as the babe started fussing, the mother took her baby and fed her. Just before letting her stay under the watchful eye of their protector. After a few weeks Cielia was able to be back on all fours and began playing games with the pups when she wasn't babysitting or mostly keeping a lookout from the trees of the territory. The Eastern Tribe knew Cielia looked from where the forest began back to where Western Tribe's boarder met the Great River.

The patrol took from dawn to noon most times, yet every once and while it took until dusk because of other animals people or even weather. Most timed it was animals, sometimes people, but rarely was it the weather. One morning Sebastian found a blanket pulled out him and a white flower where Cielia had been sleeping at. She always left something in her place when she had to leave for patrol. This was at least three times a week or every day if the need arose.

Sebastian loved those gifts and never failed to to tell Cielia how beautiful she was when she was at his side in the morning or when she got back from her patrolling. It was clear he love her and Cielia didn't understand what love was since she didn't have human parents to raise her. He explained what love was to her yet she still didn't get the meaning.

Cielia was having her chest burn from a feeling of wanting to be to a mate but Sebastian wasn't the one for her. This she explained with her action her gifts were of thanks for helping her. She soon left the Eastern Tribe and when back to her den for some much needed space and time to think. Little did anyone of the forest know that one outcast boy would become dependant on the Jaguar Girl.

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