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Claude and Ash saw their chief carrying the jaguar girl who was injured and asleep. Sebastian explained that Cielia was injured when he found her, and how he got her to trust him. The women would have to look at her arm but the men needed to find out who did this. Sebastian guessed it was the man Cielia killed earlier in the day since the moon was almost at its highest point.

Two women checked Cielia's arm and took out a silver object that had been a bullet. The woman that was saved by Cielia said that it was a small metal arrow that some men used to hurt others and kill their pray. She was able to remove it without a problem and had sown up the wound bandaging it twice for good measure.  Sebastian had moved Cielia to his house and let her lay on a fur rug watching her stretch and curl up to sleep.

Laying a hand in her hair Sebastian slowly and lightly let his nails scrap Cielia's head which made her pur in her sleep. Rolling herself onto her back Sebastian saw scratches but there were wood splinters on her belly meaning she most traveled by canopy and trees. He rubbed her belly much like one would a house cat making the splinters come lose. Cielia purred louder getting ahold of his arm with her good arm and nuzzled it in her sleep. She licked his fingers which was odd to the chief but he wasn't complaining as he watched the girl.

Sebastian fell asleep next to Cielia since she wouldn't let go of his arm but he welcomed the warmth of the forest protector. Cielia woke up at dawn and stretched as moved out of the chief's arms. Ash peaked into the house watching Cielia shacking her head like a dog would when she tired to rise onto her three limbs but she fell her chin hitting the ground. Sebastian woke up at that fall and a whimper that rose from the girl's throat.

Sebastian held her good hand to help Cielia to her feet and she fell not used to being on her feet upright. Ash smiled and gave a helping hand to steady their forest friend, which made her shift uneasily. The three moved to where the children were under the gaze of two Nursing Mothers. The two mother helped set Cielia down which would help for when they could teach her how to stand properly. After two hours Cielia was able to stand but walking that took another hour and an half to learn for her.

The bluenette kept falling forward and on her injured arm which made her whine in pain with tears hitting her eyes. Yet she held her tears she wouldn't cry not today but when she had her own time. Away from prying eyes she would shed her tears, that was all she knew for sure. Sebastian watches as the little girls play with Cielia's long hair as she watched them. She rest on her right side as she watched the kids off to the left of the nursery.

Most ran around chasing each other and playing games. Those who were with Cielia ended up leaning on her for a nap which was welcomed. Cielia would offent just lay there waiting for something to do, she even curled around a newborn that was left unattended. The Nursing Mothers found this sight and left the two be, some well earned rest was in order anyway.

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