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~13 Years Later~

Cielia was beautiful. Her hair was long and a glossy blue-black, which most females would be jealous of. She had a very long nails pointed and deadly. Her mother had taught her how to hunt, to act, and to be wary of humans. But her mother had passed just two days ago and Cielia didn't take it well, she cried herself to sleep. When she couldn't sleep she sat out on the den ledge and sang to the moon, it made her calm down enough to rest for about an hour or so.

Sebastian his father and the tribe had watched Cielia grew wonderfully from a bouncy spirited child to farce young teen. A teen that was protective of children and women which was a given due to being raised by only a female figure that was an animal. If anyone tried to kill any mother be it animal or human Cielia wouldn't show a single bit of mercy to those who harmed them. The Tribe had never seen such a beautiful yet harmful figure in their lives, but their legends from long ago had given hints to such a feat.

This had only happened once before and all animals and humans living in Amazon came together during a time called "The Days of The Greastest Sorrow". Yet, it could just be a coincidence the last protector was a boy and he only forgave in the form of mercy as scratches or wounds. This was the only warning the survivors who didn't hurt anyone got and those people never returned to the rainforest where the Tribes lived for six generations. But it was said that when one protecter died another would be born seven generations to the day of death.

Sebastian and all the other teens had heard of that tale hundreds of times. It was almost time for Sebastian to take his father's place as Chief and chose a mate to carry out the family line. The hunters had to keep an eye on the other Tribes but if anyone passed through the Jaguar Girl's territory those people would be watched closely. The women and children would be safe under her gaze that they knew.

The sound of some sort of explosion rung that morning and a human made yowl followed soon after. Claude and the guards followed the sound finding two men one had a metal object pointed at the trees. The other man was telling his friend not to shoot, that he'd only anger whatever that thing was.

The sound of a gunshot rung out and the leaves that had been used for cover moved. The shooter yelled out in pain as sharp teeth latched onto the gun man's hand holding the trigger. His friend backed up against the rock wall and bowed his head, hoping to be spared. Cielia latched on the man's throat and ripped it out killing him instantly.

Hearing whimpering and whispering her gaze turned to the dead man's friend. Getting close to the curled figure she sniffed the survivor, than backed up about two leaps away. That person was a woman who had been drug out here to be killed, the Tribesmen took notice at this behaviour. They took the woman back to the tribe with them and explained all they could. The dead man was taken back with them for lunch, and the woman was checked for problems.

Sebastian had to see the Jaguar Girl himself and alone, he didn't want a fight. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he wanted her as his. Yet when he got to her cave there was blood and weak mewling coming from inside. Cielia was bleeding from a broken left arm, there was no way she could get around on four legs until her arm healed. Sebastian stood in the moonlight casting shadows on the hurt girl, making her gaze turn to him.

Her blue eyes wide with fear and anger, which soften when they landed on the Eastern Chief.  Sebastian slowly approached the girl and held out a hand for her to accept the help. Cielia sniffed his hand and smelled the scent of blood, smoke, and meat. Seeing that he came alone she nuzzled and gave a purring sound as she licked his hand. Sebastian picked Cielia and laid her over his right shoulder her broken arm cradled against his back.

As Cielia was carried back to the Tribe as she fell asleep from the gentle sway that rocked her as the Chief ran back. The sounds of night creatures made up a lullaby for Cielia to rest peacefully for a small amount of time.

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