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Lorena sat front of her den she had just lost her cubs, three precious boys and one beautiful girl. The female jaguar got up when a scent passed by her nose running through the canopy near den she reached where the scent was coming from. A human baby, no bigger then her paw, laid in a pink blanket sound asleep. There were no human settlements for miles and to leave a baby to die was cruel but Lorena remembered that most humans were just that way. The Tribe East from the den didn't do such rather they ate the one who wouldn't survive, such it was gross but at least the baby didn't have to suffer nature's harsh wrath.

Picking up the baby by the blanket Lorena turned around and walked the whole way back to her den little did she know several sets of anxious eyes watched the jaguar leave with the baby girl.

~With The Eastern Tribe~

Sebastian with his three friends Ash, William, and Claude ran through the rainforest with some of the Tribesmen. His father, the Chief, said it was time for their first patrol of the territory. All three boy were 7 years old and they needed to start learning how to defend their home. Halfway through the patrol Claude stopped as his eyes got sight of the strangest thing he had ever seen.

"Come look at this." Claude said getting everyone to turn around and look to the right.

The saw a jaguar looking around to see if any humans around but why? Well the answer was made clear when the jaguar picked up a pink blanket, and as the cat turned a small headfull of blue-black hair was easily shown as the sunlight broke through the treetops. They followed the jaguar back to her den and watched as the cat placed the baby at one of her nipples to feed, the baby never once made a noise. The partol would have report this when they were done checking the boarders.

When they group got back the Cheif could tell some was off with the boys, they kept looking from one to the other.

"Chief," A Tribesmen spoke coming to tell him of what they had seen. "During the patrol Claude found a jaguar and called us to see why he wasn't moving from his spot. The jaguar picked up a baby and took it back to her den I think she is a raising a human to be an animal."

The other tribe members stopped what they were doing to hear what the chief was hearing. The women were in shock and the other children stuck close to their mothers. The Chief's wife couldn't believe her ears but wished to see this for herself as did the Chief himself. The Tribesmen lead the Chief and his wife to the jagaur's den were they saw a mother jaguar licking at a baby's face. This made the baby, in the jagaur's paws, giggle and reach up for the cat's face two small pale hands patted the jagaur's nose as she slowly drifted back off to sleep.

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