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Third person's pov

Pan is walking around storybrooke thinking about if he wants a normal life or go back to being a boy again. He doesn't know what he should do but all he knows he loves y/n and would probably do anything for her but give up his life? He doesn't know.

Meanwhile y/n is in storybrooke too she is also thinking about her life. All her life she wanted to find purpose then she did with Peter Pan but she wasn't meant to fall in love with him now she can't get him out of her head. She wants to have a normal life with him. She had loved Peter Pan ever since she was a little girl but she thinks she will get really board in Neverland. She has finally found her father. She also doesn't know what to do.

y/n is on the opposite side of the street to where Pan is but they don't notice each other.

On the other hand, Hook is going to decide for them because he is going to kill Pan once and for all. He can't let him hurt her daughter when he has tried to keep her save for 16 years away from him.

Pan doesn't know what to do so he sees Mr Golds shop to talk to his son but its on the other side of the road so he goes to cross it. when he is half way Hook spots him and doesn't hesitate, he shoots him.

Y/n hears a loud bang look over sees her dad holding gun and has shot it to her boyfriend she scream "NO" and everything goes in slow motion she runs in front of Pan Emma tries to get there in time to move y/n before he gets hurt but it's too late y/n gets shot.

y/n falls to the ground and screams in pain Pan catches her and holds hr Pan is crying Hook is in shock nobody knows what to do now.

y/n looks at her dad "good bye dad" and the looks at Pan "I love you Peter" then y/n stops breathing Pan closes her eyes and bursts into tears y/n is dead.

Pan looks at Hook "go on kill me that's what you wanted but now you killed your own daughter well done you idiot kill me so I can be with y/n" Pan shouts. Hook shoots him too he doesn't want to see his face or do anything he fled the scene and goes back home. He has just found his daughter and now she is dead.

He sits down in the house and cries until he sees a glowing light looks up and sees y/n as a ghost "y/n?" he says very confused "yes dad I'm allowed to be here but only here I can't leave the house and don't worry Pan went to hell we are safe now" Hook goes to hug her and doesn't go through "thank you thank you I love you my daughter y/n Ocean Jones" " I love you to father".

With that everyone knew about ghost y/n being in the house and loved it and they all lived happily ever after. 

          The END

I hope you enjoyed it I'm sorry I had to cut it short but I couldn't figure where I was going with this story. But I published this book 2 years ago today do I thought it was fitting to publish today.
Please let me know if you like it thanks for reading. If you want you can read my other book.
Love you all.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 💗

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