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GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN!!!!!! i know i haven't posted in forevs but i just don't want to write the next part cause it's sad and will make u guys die will antisipation.. but enough rambling, READ MY READERS!!!!


      After a while I went back into my house, almost knowing I would see that wolf again, and maybe often for a long time to come. I felt like I knew him, proven by the fact that I had never met him but had spilled secrets about school that I wouldn't tell my family if they pleaded. I was just finishing up my homework on my glass desk in my room when my facebook buzzed.

       Did I somehow know it was Luke? Yes. Could I tell you how I knew? No. I accepted the friends request and almost instantly he messaged me.

       'Hey. Thinking about you and was wondering if you were okay' I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt and went straight to make a reply. He was looking out for me, you have no idea how special that made me feel. I might have been high.

       'I'm fine thanks, just finishing homework. What about you?'

       'You still do homework? Please, stopped doing that in middle school' That made me giggle.

       'Well I see how you planned out your future.'

       'Hey, being a trash man is extremely complicated'

       'How so?'

      '…' I giggled again. I was thinking how to reply when it buzzed again. 'You thinking about hanging with us again tomorrow at lunch?' All thoughts turned serious.

       'I don't know, if you want'

      'Of course… hey, after school tomorrow me and my friends are staying after to do homework, wanna join?'

       'I don't know, it sounds fun but I don't want to be a drag'

       'You're not, come on, it'll be fun.'

       'Okay, where?'

      'I'll come find you.' Honestly I didn't think he would have to, I was in every class of his and he seemed glued to me, so needless to say we were around each other a lot.

       'Then sure.'

       'Awesome, see u tomorrow?'



      'Bye' I closed the window and finished the last two questions before getting ready for bed and hopping into the covers, thinking about none other than Luke.

       The next day the very instant I saw the school I saw him out there with some of his friends talking. Almost instantly Luke turned his head and smiled at me, making my heart beat faster and me to smile back shyly. I walked over and came up behind him.

       "Hey." He said, still smiling.

       "Hi." I whispered, right then the bell rang and I gave a start. The blaring ring hurting my ears.

       "You okay?" I looked up to see Luke surprisingly close, so close I could feel his warm breath fan my face and let me tell you, it smelled good. I blinked a few times to clear my head before I gave a nod. Then the school bell screamed, causing me to flinch at the suddon painful sound. "It's just the bell, relax. Come on, lets head to class." Him and his friend Trent walked inside, the other friends having dispersed to their respective classes.

       I willingly followed them inside, I didn't want to be around him all the time and have him get a bad image, I knew he didn't need me around so I walked behind him. Luke looked back and saw me, then stopped and waited for me to come up next to him.

       "Don't want you following behind. I can't keep an eye out for you if I can't see you." I blushed and looked down. Why he was treating me like this was beyond me, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

       "Sorry." I said, head still bowed, I felt a finger under my chin and was again taken back at the surprising tingles that resonated from it. I looked up into the pale blue eyes of him.

       "Don't be sorry. I just want to make sure you're okay." I nodded and followed him to class, this time next to him.


So this chappie is dedicated to chameleonsrule becuase she's an amazingly good friend of mine at school and deserves many reads and votes and comments on her stories, go to her site, BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!!!!!!

Okay, short and not my best i know but this is more of a filler than anything, plus i kinda wanted to get the idea that he's always looking out for her, and also i wanted to make her sound shy so that's why she's making sure he wants her to go and whatnot... anywho, TELL ME WHAT U THINK!!! C U LATER!!!!

p.s. hoefully i can get out of this writer's block soon!!

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