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Words cannot describe how horribly sorry I am, so instead I'M POSTING 2 CHAPTERS!!! and let's give us give a big shout to REACHING THE 200 MARK!!!!!!! OMK!!!!!!!!!!! i'm hyperventalating, omk, I think I see a light, NO!!!!!! wait, it's just a lamp, silly me!!!!

Anywho, let's get to the part you've all been waiting for, I present to you chapter five: Inciddent


         At lunch I was again ushered to sit with Luke, but was wondering if it would be alright to also include my friends. I plucked up some courage and ask as nicely as possible, and though he seemed a little stunned at first by the odd question he agreed and my friends sat at the long table down a few from Luke and I.

             I was glad that if I got to be a little more popular so could they, even Megan seemed happy, or at least what looked like it. I was dumbfounded at all the attention I was getting from Luke, it's not that I didn't like it, in fact I loved it and I liked that he had such a caring side to him, even if only few got to see it. He just couldn’t let me out of his sights, some might find it creepy, but I liked that I had someone to look out for me, some people like to pick on the little guys.

             Perfect example was going to be on my way to last period. Luke was talking to the teacher about something and I didn’t think anything of it when I went ahead to my last class, little did I know it wouldn’t turn out exactly how I thought it would. I was walking by the lockers to English when I felt evil eyes staring at me. I turned only to be thrown into the locker doors, causing me to becomes stunned and fall to the ground.

              “Look who it is guys, the little wimp decided she could come to this side of the school and get in the way of everyone again.” He bent down next to my cowering, shaking form with a horrible smile on his face. My head was pounding from the impact of the lockers and i could feel the bleeding gashes on my scalp, if I thought that hurt I was in agony when he proceeded to slap me. I cried out but he just laughed a little and grabbed my hair.

             “You think you’re all that, don’t you? You worthless piece of trash!” He let go of my hair and I tried to make a run for it, willing my frozen body into action. I managed to stand and had just started to run when I felt a painful hand around my neck and my body being tossed into the lockers, again. “Oh no you don’t princess, you’re going to stay here and endure the pain while we watch in amuzement, there’s no escape..” The fact that he was 100% right made tears start falling down my cheeks as I cried silently.

               “Aw, is the wittle Kaila cwying? Well suck it up!” The guy said, I knew him well from my days on the other side of campus, his name was Mark with his two followers Chase and Derick. Those days weren’t fun. He stroked my red and sore cheek before slapping it hard again. This time it hurt even worse and I cried out again, just wanting this all to stop.

             As if it was a prare being answered, as soon as that thought came through my head the guys’ presence disappeared. I heard pain-filled groans and looked out of the corner of my eye to see them sprawled on the ground, Mark with deep cuts that caused him to bleed onto the tile floor. My saviour came and kneeled next to me, but I shrunk away when they reached out to caress my red and bleeding cheek.

           “Shhh, Kaila it’s me, Luke. You’re okay now, nothing’s gonna hurt you any more I promise, okay?” I mustered up all of my control and nodded. Without warning he picked up my aching body and stepped out of the school, walking me in the other direction of my house. “I’m taking you to my place to look after you. I’ll call your parents to let you know you’ll be staying the night.” I was shocked by this caring gesture. He was going as far as letting me spend the night... or was it making me spend the night? Either way, I liked it.

         “Thank you.” I said, automatically leaning into his shoulder and breathing in the calming masculine scent.

              “Don’t mention it.” I could hear the smile in his voice and I closed my eyes, resting my sore body in his warm, protective arms.

            We finally arrived at his house, and may I say it was... huge. Not mansion size, but definitely good size. I was both surprised and glad that even though Luke had carried me the whole way, which was probably a good couple of miles, without even breaking a sweat. He kicked open the door with ease and set me down on the dark gold couch in his livingroom.

              He bent over and brushed caring fingers across my red cheek. The contact caused pain from the slaps I had endured, I hissed and moved my head away. His expression suddenly turned fierce, so fierce that I shrunk away even more. He looked... animalistic. There was a certain aura about him that screamed dangerous and I was actually scared. He turned away so his back was to me, from what I saw his fists were balled up so tight they were white and he was breathing heavy as if trying to calm himself down. What did I do?

            Seeing her hurt with me not being able to save her in time because of a stupid chat with the teacher about a fundraiser that I denied anyway made me internally slap myself. The added fact that she was scared of me made me want to kill myself. How could I be so stupid! I wasn’t there to protect her and know she’s hurt and scared and if only I had been smarter and stayed with her than none of this would ever happened!

               I could feel my eyes change color to my wolf’s gold and new I was so close to shifting it wasn’t even funny. The only thing that kept me human was Kaila, if I shifted this close to her... there’s no telling what would happen. You weren’t there, she could have been seriously hurt or even killed! The way those guys treated her! The way she shrunk away from you because of your horrible control! It’s a wonder she’s still around! You’re a horrible mate, she deserves so much better! My conscious began beating me up inside and I was so filled with guilt and sadness.

              In a moment those feelings turned into pure rage and I was shaking with the strain of containing it all. Don’t shift! With her so close there’s no telling what could happen! If you lose her!

            “Luke, did I do something wrong? If I did I’m sorry.” She placed her hands on my arm to try and get me to relax and turn around. No! She’s so close! Get her away from you NOW or there’s no telling what you would do to her!  Terror shot through as I imagined what would happen if that ever did occur. On reflex I threw my arm out, launching her across the room where she fell into the couch.

            One look in her horror-filled eyes and I knew what I had done, not only had I hurt her emotionally by doing that but I pushed her away from me as well, she probably thought I was going to hurt her now. Looking into her eyes I nearly crumpled to my knees and asked for forgiveness, but as my thoughts came together I realized I could not.

            Don’t you realize? You could have killed her, shifting so close! You might hurt her now but it’s the only way it’ll work, you must stay away from her to protect her from yourself. It’s the only way to insure her safety, you’re dangerous and she can’t have you around if you just snap. It’s better this way. With that on my mind I forced the expressions away but couldn’t meet her eyes.

            “I think you should... go.” I could feel my voice choking up, the tears in my eyes, and the pain in my chest. But it was the only way. She shakily got up and made her way around the corner to the door, a few moments later it shut and I collapsed onto the ground, holding my head in my hands. What have I done?


And there we have it, what has happened?? Oh the questions of it all, and like i've said before and I will say yet again, COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!! I MEAN COME ONE PEOPLE IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!!!

This chapter is dedicated to chana42, a very supportive and kind follower of this story, so in thanks I have dedicated to her this chapter, thank you chana42!!

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