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One day hammy was all like « eyy my nigga how's about I-» bUT WAIT Chance materialized out of the thin fucking air, and whipped up a pair of some mad balls with a shimmy of his fat fucking paw. « Y'a like balls n balls? » he asked. Peppermint rises from the shadows, seemingly coming from the nth dimension. « did I hear a nigga say... BAWLLLLLLZ???? ». « Oh god oh fuck my balls are fucking dead what do I do guys » chance cries. « Aw shit i got it, here hammy go cook em up and feed your family a delicious treat »
Hammy slaps the balls to the floor « I kill you nao because hehe »
« Oh god oh fuck I'm dying guys, tell sans I love him » chance is now fucking dead.
Peppermint screms « NOOOOO FUCK » and uses some magic or shit and the balls float into the air, glowing. Chances voice booms from the heavens, « YOU GOD DAMN FOOL, YOU ABSOLUTE BAFOON. IVE ASCENDED TO MY ETHERIAL FORM, YOU WALNUT. NOW I WILL VORE YOU ». The balls then become a black hole and consume all of humanity and then some.

To be continued...

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