Reaccuring events

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Once again taehyung woke up to find himself asleep in the floor leaning on the banister all because of the slamming of the door.
"Why do I keep waking up on the freaking floor?" Taehyung asked himself. He walked to his room door opening it only to find himself getting yet another flash of deja vu. The room is so familiar looking? Taehyung yet again brushed off the thought and went to his phone, to check the time.
"How come I continue to forget to put my phone on the charger?" Taehyung asked sighing at his forgetfulness. He looked at the time and it read 10:45......
"Every time I look at this damn clock it always 10:45." Taehyung said shaking his head and walking away.
He cooked him some breakfast and watched tv until he heard a honk, he ignore the honk and continued watching his show. After a couple of minutes he heard a knock o. The door.
"Coming~" taehyung opened the door to see an angry jimin by the door.
"Yah because of you I had to freaking park. Get out the car, walk all the wayyyyyy up here and knock on the door. Why didn't you come when I honked huh?" Jimin ranted.
"I didn't know you were coming.?"
"What do you mean you called me and told me to go shopping for Jin hyungs birthday."
"That was yesterday.......I think."
"No, it was today." Jimin said. " you know what I don't care what day it was come on lets get you dressed." Jimin said already up the stairs. "What the hell??"

Taehyung jogged up the stairs and looked at the bathroom. Again?
"Who the hell did this??"
"Jungkook and his She-man."
"He's cheating.???"
"Ummm yeah.....don't tell Okay Jungkook will kill me.
"What do you mean. Break up with him."
"Why" jimin said looking at a stiff, "you still love him after everything.??" He said gesturing toward the mirror and the words taehyung has seen twice before.
"I will personally kill him."
"Chim no."
" I said personally,meaning not for you, for me." Jimin said wiping the words off to make it blurred. "Let's go come on." Jimin said dragging taehyung out to get dressed.

They had driven in silence.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes chim."
"You can't elk me anything."
"I know chim."
"Okay, I love you tae, always remember."
All taehyung did was nod his head. It would be dumb at this point for him to think that the repetitive ness of his days were just a dream, he had now convinced himself that he is living the same day over, but he doesn't know why.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he remembered the crash.
"Taehyung, Yoongi and hoseok got in a fight- wow look at that crash." Jimin said pointing out infront of them across the street.
A car was crashed in a tree, taehyung got out and went to see if the people in the car were okay. He looked at the tree and saw the same letters he had before. He looked at the people in the car. They were both unconscious.
"Are they okay." A man asked, the same one that taehyung had encountered twice before.
"Call the ambulance." Taehyung said to the 40 year old looking man.

Taehyung had stayed back with the unknown people until they both woke up. He had a feeling that he needed to know how they got into the crash.
"Excuse me sir, how are you related to the two young females?"
"Um I'm a friend. And umm, that boy over there is one of their brothers?@ taehyung questioned pointing to jimin.
"Ms.park is now awake along with ms.Kim., you may go in."

Taehyung dragged jimin with him.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the one who got you here."
"Oh thank you." One of them said.
"I have a question though." Taehyung asked sitting in between them. "How did you crash."

"Oh chaeyoung and I were going shopping for our friend jisoo's birthday. Um chaeyoung told me that her boyfriend got in a fight with her ex about what they should get her. And bam the truck was coming so chaeyoung swerved into the tree." The girl said gesturing here and there between chaeyoung.

"Thank you, so much, get better okay."

"Yes thank you!!"

Taehyung walked out the room, he knew it was the same way he and jimin crashed. It was his gut feeling. He was too deep in thought to hear or see Jin rushing towards him.
"Oh my baby, are you okay, how are you. Do you remember me, what's my name." Jin said said squishing taehyungs cheeks before getting pulled away by namjoon.
"I'm fine. We weren't the ones in the crash." Taehyung said remember this moment just differently.
"Baby you okay?" Jungkook said after getting questioning stares from the others. All but jimin who burned holes into Jungkooks soul.
"Where is she?"
"Who, taehyung"
"I mean if your gonna cheat and play clueless at least clean yourself up." Taehyung said patting the lipstick stain on jungkooks white collar before walking away leaving Jungkook shocked as well as the rest of them but jimin of course.
"That's my soulmate, and jungkook....don't expect to go to anymore parties together." Jimin said brushing past Jungkook making him stumble back a bit.

"OMG jimin I did that!!!!"
"Yess you did!!!!"
"Heckkkkk yeahhhh..."
jimin and taehyung laughed as they walked to jimins car.
Taehyungs whole demeanor changed.
"What's wrong."
"It too bad I'm going to live this day over again."
"I'm living the day over, I've lived this day over twice already this would be my third, I change some things but, it always starts over and leads to the same end."
"What end"
Taehyung told jimin everything, thinking that he would just forget about it since it would technically never happen in the up coming days.
"Oh my gosh taehyung why didn't you tell me." Jimin asked in tears. "I'm going to kill that bastard I swear tae."
"Can I sleep at your house tonight chim....I-I'm scared...of h-him." Taehyung asked with tears in his beautiful eyes.
"Of course soulmate." Jimin said smiling through his tears. Jimin prayed that if the whole repetitive day thing taehyung had mentioned was true, he wishes he will never forget what he was told, and live his days like taehyung, with taehyung, and to help taehyung.

"Okay come on." Jimin said wiping his tears and pulling off after his short prayer.

Sorry for mistakes 🤭

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