Lingering thoughts...

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Taehyung hadn't even been watching the movie, he was just blankly staring at the tv, thinking... how he can prevent this upcoming event from unfolding.  What could possibly be the source of the upcoming Madness? it bothered taehyung nonetheless, he didn't want for his beloved kookie to die such a tragic death, especially knowing that he could have prevented it in the first place.

he just wanted to have a good life with jungkook, he wanted kids, he wanted to start his own family with jungkook. but if he didn't find a way to stop the future from occurring, then all of that would be thrown in the trash.

Taehyung decided to take that pregnancy test, he knew him and Jungkook had more upstairs somewhere. He glanced over at jungkook to see if he was sleeping. Unfortunately, jungkook was wide awake.

"Hey kook, I'll be back real quick, I got to go do something" taehyung Sad before getting up.

"where are you going? to move isn't over yet.'' Jungkook started trying to make taehyung stay longer.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick. I'll be back before you know it okay? " and that taehyung left for the bathroom.

Taehyung POV

There I Said staring at myself in the mirror waiting for the pregnancy test to come up positive, what if it won't work? What will I and jungkook do? Of course, I know we could just try again, but is it going to be the same?

So many thoughts are running through my head I don't know where to start. It's hard just thinking about this test not working, after all, it is my first time.

somewhere in the back of my mind I fear the worst, I fear the test will come up negative, I fear jungkook will go back to his old ways, cheating that is...

I start my reflection in the mirror, what is going on inside my head? It's hard knowing that there's someone who's out to get you yet not fully knowing if they're really out to get you, you know?

my phone vibrated on the countertop signaling that the time has come I slowly look down to my phone to turn off the vibrating. My hands shaking,

my breathing gets heavier,

I close my eyes,

reach for the test,

hold it up to my face,

I slowly...

very slowly...

 open my eyes












"oh, my f****** gosh "I dropped the test on the ground. I raise my eyes to look at myself in the mirror, I can't believe it, deep down I knew this was going to happen, deep down I prayed it was going to happen,








" I'm pregnant!!!!"

3rd POV

Taehyung picked up the pregnancy test, ran out of the bathroom and ran down the stairs as best as he could all the way into the living room where he knew jungkook would be laying, he jumped onto jungkook holding onto his shoulders tightly.


"yes, love?"


"what's positive?"




"baby... I'm pregnant! "

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