Smiley Faces : Part 2 *

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I pulled my truck into the driveway of a red brick house and sat for a moment wondering if I was crazy. Happy was a very attractive man and from what I learned from Lyla yesterday this was incredibly strange for him. According to Lyla, Happy doesn't have people at his house. Let alone cook for them as a date. Let alone date at all apparently.

I sighed and got out of my truck knocking on the door, I sucked in a breath when he answered it in a grey SAMCRO tee shirt and dark wash jeans. He smiled at me and moved to the side gesturing for me to come in. From both my own observations and Lyla I know Happy isn't much of a talker.

He closed the door behind me and leaned down pressing his lips to my cheek in a chaste kiss. He took my hand and led me to the dining room where dinner sat already plated at a very small two-person table. He pulled out the chair for me to sit and held me push it in before taking his own seat and I was pleasantly surprised by his chivalry. I looked down at my plate and smiled wondering if Opie told him about my favorite foods.

"This looks delicious Happy." I told him smiling.

"Opie told me you love tortellini, so Gemma gave me a recipe." He shrugged hiding a smirk as he dug into his food.

I took a bite and nearly moaned at the intense flavour from the food. "You are an incredible cook." I complimented taking another bite.

It was silent as we ate and Happy watched me finish my entire plate and look surprised. "What?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

I blushed and looked down. "Happy, why did you ask me here like a date?" I asked him curiously.

Happy sighed. "Something about you little girl. Ever since you walked into the clubhouse there was something about you." He explained shaking his head. "I don't normally do this."

"So, I've heard. So why me?" I asked.

"Like I said. Something about you. You're fucking gorgeous. You seem like a really laid-back chick. I need something like that in my life." He explained.

I blushed deeply but smiled before speaking. "If this is going to go anywhere Happy, I need ground rules here." I told him.

He nodded and sat back in his chair crossing his arms as he waited. "When this becomes official, I don't share. I don't give a shit how far away you are porn and phones were invented for a reason. Same with webcams and computers." I told him my biggest rule. Happy nodded. "Don't lie to me either. I'm a full disclosure kind of person. I don't do secrets." I told him.

He held up a finger. "If I tell you what I do Christina... You won't want to be anywhere near me." He rasped looking me dead in the eye.

"You underestimate me." I said standing up and walking to him, taking his hands in mine he never lost eye contact with me. "Would you ever do to me what you do for the club?" I asked, his eyes widened in alarm and he shook his head vigorously. "Then I don't care Happy. I already have an idea of what you do Hap. Lyla may have hinted at some of your nicknames and I'm no idiot. I have a good guess as to why you have those smiley faces. Happy, club you and the real you are two different people." I explained.

He stood up and towered over me. "How are you so sure little girl?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Because of how you treated me both at the club and tonight. I just know it." I whispered as he looked down at me.

He didn't say anything just stared at me and I didn't break eye contact until his lips were on mine. His arms wound around my waist pulling me to his chest as I rested my hands on his shoulders. My body came alive at his touch, my head spinning as his lips moved with mine. Finally, I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth just a little. He sized the opportunity to allow his tongue to explore my mouth as I did to him.

Happy yanked away from me and took a shuddering breath. His hands still resting on my waist. "Happy?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head and shifted uncomfortably. That's when I realized the tent straining against his jeans. I smirked and pulled him back to me. "Christina..." He said in a warning tone.

"Relax Happy. We don't have to go any father than either of us are comfortable. I'll stop you if it get's too far." I whispered against his lips as I pulled him down to me.

He pushed his lips against mine in a hungry and heated kiss. His hands slid down to my ass and squeezed roughly making me gasp a little. I felt his grin against my lips before kissing me deeply once again. He lifted me up by my ass and carried me to the couch, he sat down placing me in his lap straddling his hips. His calloused palms slid up the back of my shirt caressing the skin of my back, and he shuddered.

"No." He grunted, pulling away breathing heavily. "You're different." He sighed. I cocked my head to the side puzzled. "I don't feel like just fucking you Christina. Something about you makes me want this to last a while." He shook his head.

"If you want to wait Happy then I'm all for it." I told him. "You told me you do tattoos too; got any pics I can see?" I asked.

That shifted the course of our conversations as he got his sketch book and portfolio for me to see. I looked through all his work and nodded in appreciation of his skill. I gave him my phone and allowed him to go through my own artwork. He repaid the favor by complimenting some of my pieces.

By the time we finished talking tattoos it was nearly ten at night and I had to go home to work the next day. Happy walked me to my truck and helped me in. I rolled my window down as he tapped on the glass. "Can I see you again tomorrow?" He asked.

"Anytime you want Hap. Just call or text me." I smiled.

He gave me one back and I leaned out to kiss him. "You're a good guy Happy. There aren't a lot like you left." I told him before starting the truck.

He back away and I headed home with a smile on my face. Maybe this is a good idea after all...

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