Lockdown : Part 2

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I sat on the bed for god only knows how long thinking. Happy loves me? Do I have those same feelings? The way he kissed me god I thought I was floating, it was like nothing else mattered but the way his lips felt against my own. His stubble scratching at my face making the feeling of his kiss even deeper. His kiss left me wanting more, does that mean I feel the same way? Do I want to try and be with him? Kammie and Violet already adore Happy, he's the father Violet never had and the father Kammie barely got to know...

I need to talk to Gemma... I got off the bed and wandered out into the main room finding Gemma rather quickly. She spotted me and headed my way. "You look like you saw a ghost baby." She said rubbing my arm.

"I need advice Gem..." I told her the confusion I felt being conveyed through my tone.

"What's wrong?" She asked moving me to the side of the room.

"Happy just told me he loved me..." I told her.

"Finally!" She squealed excitedly. "I knew it would happen soon! Oh does that mean you guys are together now?" Gemma asked.

"I- I... Not yet. Gem I don't even know what to do." I explained.

"Well, do you love him?" She asked.

"Of course I do but I always thought as a friend but then he kissed me and now I'm all confused and -" Gemma cut me off.

"If he got you this wound up with just a kiss, don't you think it's worth trying out?" She asked smirking.

"Well, I- I guess... Gemma, what if we don't work? I can't break my girls hearts like that." I said worriedly.

"But what if it does sweetheart? You've got to let yourself at least try. We've all seen how much the two of you love each other. You owe it to yourself Chris to try." She smiled and brought me in for a hug and with a final nod she walked away.

I sighed and thought about how right she was. I did owe it to myself to be happy for once in a long time. With that I knew my answer to give to Happy when he arrived back. So, I had prospect make me a tea as I watched from afar as my girls played with their friends.

Soon enough, I had managed to secure myself a night alone without saying a word. Kammie was having a sleep over at Opie and Donna's place with his kids and Jax and Tara were stealing Violet for the night. I stayed by the bar sipping my tea when the club returned and they walked straight into church. The doors slammed shut and all of us women shared looks.

"Want another tea Chris?" Jenna, one of the newest crow eaters asked me.

"I'd love one hon thank you." I replied not taking my eyes off the church doors.

About twenty minutes later they began to file out, each one heading for their respective old ladies and Hap headed for me. I gave myself a quick shake and stood confidently as Happy approached me. I wrapped my arms around him and planted a kiss to his lips.

It took him a few seconds to respond but sure enough, soon his arms were around my waist pulling me closer as cheers erupted around us. Happy pulled away from me with a questioning look in his eyes. "I think I love you too Hap." I mumbled blushing bright red.

My words had Happy grinning ear to ear as he leaned back in kissing me again. "DAD! YOU CAN'T EAT MOMMY!" Violet screamed trying to push us apart.

That alone had everyone in the room burst out laughing as Happy knelt down to her level. "I wasn't... eating mommy." He said with a snicker before 'eating'. "That was me telling Mommy I love her." Happy explained to her.

"You muve Mommy?" She asked.

"I do, just as much as I love you and Kam." He told her and I could feel my heart melting into a puddle as Kam approached him.

"Does this mean you're our daddy now?" Kam asked curiously.

"If you want me to be." Happy told her.

Neither of them answered with words but they launched themselves into his arms. Happy chuckled as he wrapped his arms around them both and I think everyone around us felt the same amount of love that I did. Many awwed, others just grinned but me? I was crying. I was so happy I couldn't even begin to describe it.

Eventually they let go and ran off to play again and Happy turned to me as everyone went back to what they were doing. Happy kissed my forehead before grabbing a beer and sitting beside me. We sat and talked with everyone for a few hours before heading home.

I left my truck at the lot as Happy took me home on the bike. When we arrived I grabbed us each a beer as Happy sat down and set up something for us to watch. I brought him his beer before sitting down beside him. Happy pulled me tight to his side and sighed.

"Hap..." I asked about half an hour into our movie.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Are you sure this is what you want Happy?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I want this Chris?" He asked sitting up to give me a confused look.

"I don't know... I'm your best friend Hap, are you sure this isn't just because you're lonely?" I asked him.

"No Chris. If this was just because I was lonely I wouldn't have felt this way for months..." He told me.

I didn't get a chance to say anything before his lips were on mine. This kiss much different than the ones shared prior. This was insistent. Needy. Hungry. It was drawing me in with every move. "Hap?" I mumbled against his lips making him hum at me again. "Take me to bed." I whispered.

Happy growled as a shiver of pleasure ran through him. "Oh yes I will."

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