I've Got You

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Idea Credit: EchoRoman
She told me to write this for me since I've been really ill these past few weeks. Yes, weeks. I've played it off as days but sadly that's not the case. Hopefully I'm on the mend, I can finally stay awake longer than 6hrs at a time. Anywhoooo, here's a super fluffy one!

Hey, I need to talk.



Are you alright?

Come on this isn't funny.


Answer the phone Chris.

If you don't answer me, I'm coming to your house.


Fine. Have it your way.

Happy had been trying for the last twelve hours to reach Christina... He just got home from a run and needed to let off some steam. That's where she came in, not in the way you think either. Christina had become his own personal diary. If he ever needed anything he went to her. When he was sick, sad, angry. It didn't matter he would go to her.

She always knew how to help, whether it be to sit and listen or to give her opinion. Happy loved that about her, she didn't care what time it was either if he needed her, she was there. No matter time or distance. But something was wrong.

Christina always answered her phone. It was never off and she never went anywhere without it. Happy was worried to say the least. He knew something had to be terribly wrong for her not to be answering so he told the guys he was taking a few personal days and took his bike driving out to her place in Bakersfeild.

When he arrived it was dark and every light in her house was off, yet her black dodge half ton sat in the driveway. Happy cut the engine on his bike and strode to the door which he found locked up tight. He fumbled around in his pocket for the keys she'd given him and unlocked the door. Once he was inside he locked up again and began his search through the house.

Happy stopped short when he reached the doorway of her bedroom seeing her ridiculously long blonde hair splayed around her head like a halo yet the body attached was shivering and quaking like a leaf. The bed was covered on used kleenex and empty blister packs of what used to be cold meds. Happy strode inside and laid his inner wrist over her forehead withdrawing immediately when he felt her burning fever.

"Shit Chris. Come on little one." He rasped peeling the covers off of her and lifting her up into his arms.

"Hap?" She croaked her voice hoarse.

"Yeah. Let's get you into a bath." He told her softly.

She nodded but her eyes fluttered closed again as her tiny frame continued to shake against him.

Happy sat down on the toilet with Christina in his lap and drew her a luke warm bath. As soon as it was ready he woke her up and helped her strip down. This was not the first time Happy had seen her bare body as he's walked in on her changing before accidentally, but this is the first time he did it without thoughts of seeing how her body would react beneath him.

As soon as she was stripped completely he helped her into the bathtub where she sunk down, submerging herself. Happy knelt beside the tub with a cup in hand scooping water up and pouring it over her exposed skin. Shortly after her shakes began to calm.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, her voice soft and tired.

"I couldn't get a hold of you. You had me worried." Happy told her running his fingers through her damp hair at the top of her head.

She sighed softly and nuzzled her head upward into his hand. "I'm sorry." She whispered yawning.

"Don't apologize Chris. Let's just get you better." Happy told her.

She nodded and Happy helped her out of the tub wrapping a big fluffy black towel around her tiny frame. He carried her into the bedroom sitting her in the huge armchair in her room before stripping the brilliant purple sheet off her bed. He remade the bed with her black bedding set before getting her a sports bra and panties. She had just enough energy to dress herself and Happy stripped down to his boxers before getting her back into bed. "What are you doing?" She asked as Happy pulled her to his chest.

"Finishing breaking your fever." Happy replied.

She began to relax moments later in the depths of Happy's body heat and he couldn't help but notice how perfectly her body fit to his. Like two puzzle pieces. He felt himself relax as her breathing slowed and he knew she was asleep. Eventually he drifted off himself holding onto her for dear life.

It took Christina two days to be back to her normal self and Happy stayed by her side the entire time. Only ever leaving to go pick up more medication for her and get soup and crackers from the grocery store. Today the pair had just woken up and were sitting at the tiny kitchen table a cup of coffee in front of each of them.

"You look a lot better today." Happy told her.

"I feel a lot better. But you really didn't have to stay and take care of me Hap." She told him blushing softly.

"Yes I did." Happy replied shortly taking a sip of his coffee.

"No you didn't. You could have had your aunt come or my mom but you stayed. Why?" She asked cocking her head slightly.

Happy could help but think of how adorable she looked. Her hair piled up in a messy bun at the top of her head, his tee shirt covering her a gentle smile on her face. "Because I've got you. You're always there for me. Whether I'm sick or need to talk. It's only fair I return the favor." Happy told her shrugging. "Not to mention I get to spend time with you." Happy said under his breath.

"And why would you wanna spend time with little old me?" She smirked having heard him.

Happy glared but didn't answer her. Simply got up and poured himself another coffee. "Thank you." She told him wrapping her arms around him from behind laying her cheek against his colorful back.

"For what?" Happy asked turning around and she rested her chin against his chest looking up at him.

"For taking care of me." She said softly reaching up to cup his cheek in her palm.

Happy couldn't help it as he leaned into her touch. It'd been so long that Happy had hid his feelings from Christina and right now, he knew he was seconds away from revealing it. The way she looked up at him he was lost in the sea of her bright blue / green eyes.

Just as Happy settled it in his brain that he was going to kiss her she turned away quickly breaking into a coughing fit. Happy sighed and rubbed her back softly. She finally let it all out and groaned sitting down in her chair once again.

Happy phone began ringing and he answered it quickly. Jax on the other end telling him, they needed him for a run. Happy sighed not wanting his time with Christina to end, begrudgingly agreed and hung up.

Christina changed into her own clothes returning Happy's shirt and she walked him out to his bike. Happy loaded what little things he did bring onto his bike before mounting the machine. Christina leaned in and hugged him tightly.

Just as she went to step back Happy grasped her face in a calloused palm. She looked surprised and even more so when Happy crashed his lips to hers. This kiss was over as quickly as it began as Happy started up the bike and backed out of her driveway. The last image of her ingrain in his brain, her fingertips against her lips with a look of utter shock on her face.

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