Chapter 8

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My heart is pounding, louder and louder. My throat suddenly becomes dry, and my breathing comes to an abrupt stop. My eyes are wide with fear. How the hell does Amya know? Out of all the people I would've guessed, Amya is not one of them. Myabe she also works for M, like Sueanne. Oh god, she's one of them isn't she? Say something, do something, anything! This is your life you could be fighting for!

Finally, I remember to breathe. I swallow, and try to compose myself. "W-What secret?" Real smooth Julia.

Amya turns to face me and I do the same. She folds her arms over her chest. Her small frame doesn't give much to accentuate. "I know that Stacey has secretly been helping you."

A sigh of relief passes through me, but damn, Stacey could still get in a lot of trouble for this though. "I don't know what you mean," I lie as I try to stand a bit straighter.

Amya and I are about the same height. Yet her dark blue eyes appear more threatening. "I know Stacey has been helping you, and now I know why."

I knit my eyebrows together, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Why?"

Amya stands a bit straighter as well, smirking. "Isn't it obvious?" I suppose my silence was the answer because she only rolls her eyes and continues. "Your dad donated a bunch of money to us this summer. The deal was that we let you in and he doesn't leak to the press that Kappa Alpha Theta accepts bribes."

My mouth falls open. This is exactly why I never wanted my dad knowing I was going back to school. I just knew he'd do something like this behind my back. Amya has a very satisfied smile on her face, which only makes me angrier. "So good luck getting into Kappa now. Once I tell Lilly and Jocelyn about your little deal with Stacey, they won't want you in our house."

Amya turns to leave, satisfied with the damage she's caused. I'm so angry I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. How could he? I specifically told him to stay out of my business. When he and mom split I made it clear I didn't want anything to do with either of them. I'm certain Amya has a plan to throw my dad under the bus, and while I would love to watch him crash and burn, I can't let her take Stacey with him. "Wait!"

Amya stops in her tracks. She turns around to face me, her smirk still plastered on her face. "What do you want from me?"

At this point I feel like I've given up. I'm about to make a deal with a demon, and since I'm already playing the devil's game, I feel like I've got nothing else to lose. "I want you to stay out of Kappa. When bid day comes, you leave Kappa off your list," Amya answers as she slowly walks towards me. "Don't tell Stacey, don't come to any of our events, and don't talk to any of us ever again. Got it?"

"Yeah, got it."

"Good," Amya chirps with an all too friendly smile. "You were never Kappa material anyway. I thought I made that clear the last time we spoke."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. I don't recall Amya and I ever having a conversation together. At least not a pleasant one. "What are you talking about? You never talked to me."

"Yeah I did, about a year ago. F.Y.I., you can dye your hair all you want, but I'll never forget your face."

My eyes widen at the realization. She spoke with Jordan. She has no idea we're twins. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Remind me again how that conversation went." I try my best to sound convincing.

"What are you, stupid or something?" Amya rudely asks.

I nod my head which causes her to groan. "You came in acting all innocent. But I knew. I found your fake I.D. and saw you doing drugs in the bathroom. I told you to get out before I called the cops. Guess I didn't make myself clear enough."

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