Chapter 3

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Remember, the club safeword is red. Say it and everything stops.

Namjoon released her hand before ascending the three small steps leading onto the stage. He walked around the cart that Tae had brought out. His face was blank as he reached out to run a finger along a few of the items placed there. Sulli hadn't even taken the first step yet. She watched in a mixture of horror and awe as the man approached the ever imposing X that had been brought out from the wall to take center stage. Everyone else had abandoned their conversations to gather around the sides and watch. 

A small part of her brain was screaming at her to run. This must have been the exact feeling those condemned to a public execution felt. The building fear, expectations of the worst, yet helplessness to stop any of it. She had a word. One syllable long. She could say it at any point and it would all be over. She could say it now and leave. But she knew if she left she wouldn't be allowed back. Her dissertation was riding on this. Her diploma was on the line. Those two little letters that would go in front of her name were at stake. She couldn't let years of education slip through her fingers over something as small as a spanking, could she? 

As though he could hear her raging monologue in her head, Namjoon turned to look at her. His blank face fell into a relaxed smile. He curled one finger at her to singal her forward. Like a lamb to the slaughter she obeyed the wordless command. His easy smile encouraged her to close the distance between them. No one with dimples could be a wolf in sheep's clothing after all. His face screamed innocence. He looked more like a man who would run you a warm bath, light scented candles, then curl up and watch movies with you than someone who would take delight in ever wrapping those long lean fingers around the handle of a flogger. Yet here they were. 

"Before we begin, say your safeword for me," he said. 

She answered without hesitation. "Red." 

"Good. Now if it's starting to get too much but not there just yet you can say yellow and I'll know to switch lanes. Repeat the word for me." His smile didn't falter as he instructed her. 


He nodded his head once then moved on to the large figure in front of him. "This is a Saint Andrew's Cross. There are several throughout the club but this is the only free standing one. It was specifically made with wheels on it so that it can be moved around the stage. The weighted bottom ensures that you can't tip it over. You'll place your hands up towards the top of the cross where they will be restrained. Your ankles will be secured to the bottom as well. Your waist will also be tied as well so that I don't have to worry about you wiggling. This is both for your safety and it heightens the feeling of having no control." 

Sulli nodded her head as she listened. It was a habit she had picked up in class to show that she was paying attention. 

He held out a hand towards the cross and waited for her to approach it. "Face it and press your body firmly against it," he instructed. 

The smooth suede surface of the saltire was firm as she was being attached to it. Leather cuffs with plush padding were snuggly fit to her wrists and ankles. Namjoon secured them to the cross with large metal carabiners. He took the length of rope and tied her waist to the middle of the structure. Once she was secured and couldn't so much as sway, he moved from around the cross to stand behind her. His hands smoothed down her shirt against her back. 

"We're going to start easy. You told Taehyung that you've been spanked before, correct?" he asked. 

"Correct," she repeated. 

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