Chapter 5

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Sulli took her time soaking in a hot bath topped with rose oil and an earthy sandalwood bubble bath. The razor slid gently against her  skin as she rid herself of every strand of hair below her eyebrows. Not a detail was missed as she spent over an hour pampering her skin into being softer than a newborn babe. 

Jin had said he would have an outfit ready for her so she opted to arrive in soft leggings with a jean print and a plush sweater. Not many details had been given to her about the initiation or what it would entail so she wanted to make sure she had something soft and warm to leave the club in. Preferably something that would nurse stinging skin. She tucked her heels into her bag before leaving. 

The small blue car pulled to a stop in one of the few vacant spots close to the exit. Her tennis shoes made soft crunches against the gravel as she walked across the parking lot to the front door. Jin wasn't anywhere in sight. Instead a shorter man with a solid looking chest looked down at her as she approached. She instantly recognized him. He was the man she had followed around the bar that left the card. 

"Name?" he asked softly. 

"Sulli," she replied. 

"Not a common name," he scanned the list in his hand before opening the door for her. His eyes were trained on her as she slipped past him into the foyer. Jin was waiting outside the door to his office with a bag in his hand. 

"Sulli! Early is a great look for you. Put this on," he handed her the bag and stepped back for her to go into the locker room. 

Her mouth fell open when she pulled the clothes from the bag. A small lacy skirt that only just covered her ass. The top was a lace tank top with thin straps and a plunging neckline. The deep V ended just between her breasts where a silk ribbon laced down the middle of the top, keeping it together. There were no stockings in the bag nor a bra. Instead she found a thong with Property of BTS across the front. 

She sighed in relief as she looked her body over in front of the mirror after she had changed. The lace on the top was thick enough that her nipples didn't show through. The imprint was still obvious as the thin lace rubbed against them, making them harden instantly. 

Sulli pulled her own heels from her bag and slid them on to finish the look off. The neutral tones of her makeup offered a more youthful look while the outfit made her look anything but innocent. She pushed the door open to find Jin leaned against the opposite wall. His gaze shifted from the floor as the door opened. 

He regarded her silently for a moment before smiling. "Fits like a glove. Can you breathe?" he asked. 

"Yes sir," she replied. His smile grew into a grin. He held his arm out for her to take. "Let's get you ready then." He led her into the main room and across to the bar where Hoseok was already preparing drinks. 

He was going over the inventory for the bar with Namjoon when they arrived. "We're stocked for at least two weeks with everything but Whiskey. We have enough of that for tonight but we'll need a couple more bottles before we open tomorrow." 

Jin cleared his throat to get their attention. 

"I'm leaving broke tonight," Hoseok said while looking Sulli over. 

Namjoon lifted the corner of his lips in a smile. "You look wonderful. Lace suits you," he said. 

He switched his attention over to Jin. "Have you gone over anything about tonight with her?" 

"Not yet. I was waiting for Minki to get here so I could fill them both in," Jin said. "Have you seen him yet?" 

Namjoon lifted a finger to point at a corner booth. Minki was seated with three girls who were all in matching collars. The small tag hanging from the front couldn't be read from across the room. 

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