Chapter 2: The Plan

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    The next day, they both packed their things. Olivia packed more books than anything else. She also packed her backpack with her tools. Arthur packed his rock climbing gear, survival food, survival gear, a hunting knife, a SigSauer 9mm pistol, a Smith & Wesson revolver, a tactical shotgun, and plenty of ammo. Arthur drives Olivia and himself to a small military base. walking toward the runway Olivia stares and the military plane. "Impressive," she exclaims to Arthur. He smiles at her.
    "Hey Arthur!" a man shouts. He is African American, bald with tattoos on his arms.
    "Holy shit Foreman is that you?" Arthur asks laughing. The two hug, the kind of bro hug that men do. "It's been so long how are ya buddy?
    "I'm good, I'm good. Working here on planes, enjoying it," Foreman replies. "And who is this foxy lady with you?"
    "This is Dr. Olivia Saga, an old friend. We just wanted to take an adventurous trip hiking, sightseeing, rock climbing, stuff like that." Arthur replies.
    "It's nice to meet you Mr. Foreman" Olivia says as she shakes his hand.
    "The pleasure is all mine honey." He kisses her hand and look at Arthur. "A trip with a pretty girl like her, she can do better," he laughs and winks at Arthur.
    "He flirts with all the ladies," Artrhur tells Olivia. "So Foreman, think you can help us out with  a plane?"
    "Hey anything for you Arthur, you saved my life countless times."
    "You're the best Foreman, thank you," Arthur responds. "We will be back tomorrow. We may or may not have to leave in a hurry."
    "No problem, I'll have her gassed up and ready for ya," Foreman responds.
    "Thanks man," Arthur says back.
    "It was nice to meet you Foreman, thanks for the help," Olivia tells him.
    "Nice to meet you too! That's a good man right there Dr. Saga." He whispers.
    "Oh I know he is," she smiles back.
They took the time to rest and prepare for the plan to retrieve the medallion. Olivia leads Arthur through the busy rainy streets of England.
    They both enter a beautiful brown building with its many long pillars. The British Museum has millions of works and is dedicated to human history and culture. They come to a door with a sign above it that says 'Authorized Personnel Only.'
    "Okay so you remember the plan?" Olivia asks wearing sunglasses and a hat with her hair tucked underneath.
    "Yeah. I'll go in first and distract them so you can slip by," he replies and walks in wearing the attire of a pure tourist.
    "Excuse me sir, but you can't be in here!" a security guard snarls at Arthur.
    "Tu a flan pla gada me tor." Arthur speaks gibberish to the security guard.
    "I'm sorry sir, but I don't understand what you are saying." The security guard looks puzzled as he tries to figure out what language he is speaking.
    "What's going on here?" Another security guard snarls and walks over.
    "Para flord shim kahn tu a floof" Arthur speaks more gibberish and tries not to laugh as the security guards try to figure out what he is saying. Arthur takes a few steps and they move closer.
    "Sir you can not be in here!" One of them shouts.
    Olivia then goes through the door and sees the security guards with Arthur. She is able to slip by them and enters a room with lab coats and other gear. She takes a lab coat and puts it on and takes off her disguise. She walks down the hallway and remembers all the work she has done here. Her heart pounds faster by the second. She comes to the analyzing lab, swipes her key card and walks in. She is amazed as she sees other artifacts. She walks slowly and looks at everything. Just as she is about to touch something she shakes her head and then remembers what she must do. she comes to a glass table, on top is Sir Walter Raleig's body.  She sees the gold medallion and puts it in the pocket of her lab coat. She continues back toward the door where the security guards are still trying to understand Arthur. She looks at him, smiles and turns her head.
    "Dr. Saga, what are you doing here?" Olivia stops suddenly with shock and Dr. Walters is puzzled and irritated to see her.
    "Um um Dr. Walters, Scott, I was just...," Olivia mumbles.
    "I told you to go home. You are not allowed to be here," he tells her angrily.
    "I know, I'm sorry. You know me I'm just curious and just wanted to make sure that everything was being done properly. Oh and no hard feelings about the guns pointed at me," she says as she tries to clear the nervousness and lie from her voice. She begins to back up so she is almost back to back with Arthur while Arthur speaks more gibberish.
    "You just don't stop do you? Everything is fine here and everything is being done properly," he remarks. "The British museum, however, will not be made a mockery with tales of a city of gold."
    Olivia knows Dr. Walters will search her. She can't have the medallion on her. As she was talking, she reached into her pocket, pulled out the medallion and put her hands behind her back. She has to think of a way to get Arthur to take it.
    "I just thought maybe you could HAND me some work to TAKE," she says as she gives Arthur hints to put his hands behind him to grab the medallion. Arthur hears her and puts his hands behind his back. Olivia drops the medallion into Arthur's hands.
    "No, I can't. You went a little crazy with the talk of El Dorado. Just go home," he roared. "Take some time off for yourself, and then maybe we can talk about your return." Olivia looked at him strangely and wondered why he was acting strange. His attitude toward her completely changed as soon as she mentioned El Dorado back at the dig. And the guns pointed at her was an insult. Her and Dr. Walters have always been close. He was  her mentor. She begins to walk out.    
    "Dr. Saga! Please hand me the lab coat." He turns to the two security guards, "The two of you, search her and I will take care of this man." They take her coat and pat her down but find nothing and walk her out of the museum. Dr. Walters looks at Arthur and speaks loudly as if Arthur was deaf. "Sir, walk out those doors and go right!" He leads Arthur out and shakes his head.
    Olivia is standing outside the museum, nervously biting her fingernails. She admires the grey sky and misty air. She would rather be here then some sunny tropical place. Arthur finally walks out. "Oh my god! Please tell me you still have it!" Olivia yells. Arthur pulls it out. The medallion is round with markings carved on it and a red ruby in the center.
    "Right here," he says with a smile on his face. She jumps at him and grabs the medallion.
    "Don't just wave it around!" She exclaimed.
    "Relax Jumpy. No one knows what it is," he laughed.
    "Come on, we have to leave. They will notice it's gone and know it was me," she quaked.
    "Oh yeah because of that little run in with Dr. Wieners," Arthur stated.
    "Walters!," she corrected. "Now let's go!"
    "Yes drill sergeant!" Arthur jokingly shouted back. They started walking their way through the city bso they could get back to the plane. Just as they were crossing the street, security guards ran out of the museum pointing at Arthur and Olivia speaking into walkie talkies. "We gotta run!" Arthur shouted to Olivia. Olivia looked back and saw security guards running toward them while Dr. Walters stood at the top of the stone steps with his arms crossed and watched. They started running through the streets. Arthur saw a guy about to get on his motorcycle and in an instant he grabbed the guys keys, jumped on the bike while grabbing Olivia forcing her on the back and drove off.
    "We just stole that guy's bike!" she shouted.
    "Borrowed! Borrowed for an emergency. Unless you'd rather go back to Dr. Walers, he seemed pleasant, and be arrested!" Arthur rhetorically asked back.
    "But I don't have a helmet!" She she shouted in a terrified vice. "I lived here for a few years remember, you have no idea where you're even going Arthur!"
    "If I can navigate a barren wasteland with nothing, I'm pretty sure I can get us back Liv" Arthur replied and zipped through the streets of London. Sirens were heard and police came right behind them. Arthur zig zagged between cars to try and lose them, but more showed up. Olivia held on tight as Arthur made sharp turns just missing a double decker bus which blocked the cop cars. Arthur turned down an alley and stopped. "Okay, I'm lost" Arthur panted.
    "See!" Olivia shouted. Go down a couple blocks and make a right. Go across the bridge, turn on Shirley Street and then a left on Woolwich and it's a straight shot to the highway." Arthur revs the bikes engine and speeds off. Arthur comes to the bridge makes the way across. Police cars are blocking the way. "What do we do?" Olivia demendly asks.
    "Do you trust me?" Arthur Asks her.
    "What?" She replies.
    "Do. You. Trust. Me." Arthur asks again.
    "Yes" Olivia Shouts.
    "Hold on!" Arthur exclaims. Olivia hold on tight and closes her eyes. Arthur speeds faster toward the police barricade. Just before they reach the police, Arthur uses all his strength to jump the bike onto the median barrier. Cops dive out of the way. Then he drives on top of the cop cars landing behind them. They make their way back to the plane.
    "You're crazy! Let's not do that again" Olivia says softly looking at Arthur.
    "Agreed now let's go quick!" He shouts running with Olivia toward the plane. Arthur starts the engine and begins to take off. Arthur pulls back hard on the control wheel and the plane lifts in the air and they were on their way for South America. Olivia reminisced as she looked at the clouds out the plane.
    "Nice work before with the medallion. I didn't know you were so quick on your feet!"
    "Thanks," Olivia laughed. Olivia was looking down drawing something in her own journal
    "What's that?" Arthur asked as Olivia was concentrating harder with each stroke of her pencil.
    "This," Olivia shows Arthur. I have a photographic memory and this is what was drawn in Sir Walter Raleigh's journal. We need to find this rock formation to find this path. This path should lead us directly to the tomb that contains the map to El Dorado."
    "How do you remember all this?" Arthur asks with amazement. "I hope you are right about all this Liv."
    "Me too. Now, we need to get to Romeral Volcano in Colombia. That's where the tomb is said to be."
    "A volcano! Great, that's just perfect," Arthur gulped.
    "Relax It's dormant you cry baby" Olivia replied.

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