~Chapter Eleven~

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"That movie wasn't even scary stop being all pouty about it Camila," Dinah snorted as they threw away their trash and left the movie theater.

Camila frowned. "What made me angry was the fact that none of them survive it's just a bunch of baloney!" She threw her hands up.

Dinah smirked. "At least you had Knight Jauregui by your side," She kinked her eyebrows nudging Lauren a bit."

Camila blushed remembering being all snuggled next to Lauren and her sweet vanilla scent aroma around her.

It felt nice.

"Stop DJ, you know that Lauren doesn't like that." Normani gritted her teeth.

They all got into the car and went back Lauren's house for a sleepover.

Lauren opened the house with the keys and was met with Chris on the floor trying to make himself into a human pretzel.

"Hey Camila..." Chris grinned looking up and down at her.

Camila laughed. "I uh- hey Chris are you okay you seem a bit... off?" She asked.

"No... me? I'm not off I am on." He mumbled. "Get it because I'm awake."

They all stared at him with 'what the fuck' faces.

"Chris did you drink from Dad's collection of drinks?" Lauren looked him in the eyes Incase he wanted to lie.

Chris eyes went wide. "No! Of course not- hey hey Lauren where are you going?" He panicked following Lauren to Mike's special Wine collection that he specially told no one to touch.

"Chris! Why the fuck is the bar open?!" Lauren hissed.

"Lauren look I tried! Me and the boys just were going to play on the PS4 and then they wanted a drink! I told them the could have water or juice! They kept pushing me to open the bar. After I didn't because I'm a good boy, they somehow opened it and drank a few and... got me to do it."

"Ouu in that case could I have some? I've been dying to know what good wine y'all have." Dinah beamed clapping her hands heading over to the bar.

"You are not Drinking Mrs. Hansen!" Ally exclaimed grabbing her hand and pulling her right back.

Dinah pouted.

"What the hell are we gonna do? Where was mom at the time?" Lauren questioned.

"I don't know! We can't tell her tho! Please no! Lauren you can't do this to me!" Chris cried dropping to his knees right in front of Lauren.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Get up Chris," she kicked him softly. "We have to go to the liquor store or something,"

"Didn't you say collection of wine? Where are we gonna find that? They probably drank some that are like expensive and hard to find. Plus we're underage for to even get liquor." Camila reasoned.

"We have to go to the store somehow," Lauren sighed.

Just at that moment Clara came in confused why everyone seemed so frustrated.

"Is everything alright kids?" She laughs nervously, closing the door slowing diverting her eyes between the group of teens.

They all stood still. None of them were tough enough to explain what's happening till all of a sudden.

"Chris And his friends drank some of Mike's special wine from the collection bar!" Ally blurted closing her eyes immediately and turning red.

"What the f-"

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