(10) Set! Hut! Fail!

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The crowd and cheerleaders cheer as everyone takes the field. Lizzie approaches Kaleb, ball in hand as I stand in my position off to the side.

"Remember the game plan, Kaleb," Liz warns, bending down into her position.

"Girl, I used to eat townie scrubs like this for lunch," Kaleb states cockily. "That's before I was a vampire," He continues, backing into his own position before sending a look MG's way. Then suddenly, the whistle blows, Kaleb running forward and kicking the ball, Kyle catching it and the game beginning. We play our absolute worst, MG purposely letting Danna trip him before looking to Lizzie with an adorable and thumbs up. That poor lovesick puppy. I'm not the only one to notice the interaction, Kaleb shaking his head before Kyle plows into him, knocking him to the ground, the other team making a goal.

"Nice moves Danna," Lizzie compliment with another award-winning fake smile.

"I know I'm supposed to do this in the end zone, but..." Danna starts, spiking the ball at Liz's feet and pissing her off. God it pisses me off. Jo and I jog up to Liz, Jo pulling a piece of grass from her hair.

"That went well, all things considered," She states.

"One word," Liz starts, "One word and I could burn her perky little boobs to ash," Liz states angrily, turning to Josie and I with fire in her eyes.

"Hey, but we're not gonna do that today," I state, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We promised your dad."

"Today of all days, right?" Jo adds, Lizzie, rolling her eyes but nodding as she walks away, me walking away too to get my water bottle from Penelope. As I reach her, she hands me my water, MG running up beside me and reaching for his before she pulls it back.

"For the record, the nerdling approach never got any dude anywhere," Penny states before handing him the bottle. She's not wrong.

"Okay, you're lucky that I'm still talking to you after that stunt you pulled last night, kissing me like that," MG complains.

"I was giving you what you wanted," Pen defends.

"No, you were taking a shot at Josie, and when someone other than Lizzie or Andie takes a shot at Josie, they tend to way up with scabies. You ever have scabies before? They're nasty," MG rambles.

"So Lizzie's mad at you? Meaning she sees you for a change?" Penny asks as I smirk. God this woman is a wonderful manipulative bitch.

"So you did that on purpose?"

"Penelope does everything on purpose, similar to me," I state, Penny, winking at me as she always does.

"Look, if Lizzie Saltzman is what you want, we can help you get her," Pen offers, motioning between her and me. "But you're gonna have to do exactly what we say," she says with a smirk.

"What's in it for you two?" MG asks.

"Do a girl have to have motive to do charity work?" Pen asks.

"I'm just here for you MG, always have been always will be," I state, moving to his side and giving him a small side hug as he kisses the top of my head.

"Next play, impress me," Pen states, MG and I turning to get back to the bench.

"All right! Way to go Stallions! Let's keep it up, let's keep it up!" Mr.Williams yells, trying to be cheerful as we purposely lose, his phone ringing a second later as we huddle.

"I just want to take a minute to tell you all how proud I am, you all are doing a great job," Liz states cheerfully.

"We're getting our asses kicked!" Kaleb complains.

"Which means we're doing a great job," I state as MG rests his arms on my and Kaleb's shoulders.

"What's the play?"

"Same one as always. Run around, make it look like you know what you're doing, then fail," Lizzie explains.

"On three," I state, all of us standing and clapping before getting to a position, the whistleblowing.

"White 80!" Lizzie calls out, "White 80! Set! Hut!" And the balls back in play.

"One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi..." Danna counts, getting ready to charge Liz. "Four Mississippi, five Mississippi!" She yells, charging as we all run around the field like idiots. Just as she gets to Liz, she throws the ball, MG almost catching it before almost getting tackled by three men and running with the goofiest smile on his face, scoring a touchdown and doing his handshake with Kaleb as I run up and hug him. 

"That was awesome M!" I exclaim, pulling away as Lizzie runs up. 

"MG, what the hell do you think you're doing?" She asks. 

"Pretty obvious, isn't it? He's saving your ass," Danna states. "Nice hands," She flirts, MG smiling and checking her out before I slap his shoulder, Lizzie looking completely disgusted. 


We stand in position again, Josie getting ready to hike the ball to me. 

"Set! Hut!" I yell, getting the ball from Jo and bouncing on my feet as Danna comes at me yelling "Screen! Screen!" I throw the ball, Jo going to catch it before letting it hit her hands and fall. The whistle blows, Lizzie coming up to me and patting my back as Danna approaches us. 

"Your sister sucks at football," She says to Liz. "You should've absorbed her in the womb." Now I'm pissed. Fuck being behaved, it's time to be a Mikaelson. 

"You know what? We've been playing this game for years, and for years, you have been digging at Lizzie, Josie, and I," I state, stepping into her face. 

"Is it because we're prettier than you?" Liz asks mockingly. 

"Honestly, I just get a thrill from tormenting all the crazies. Speaking of, it's been a while since you paid a visit to my mom's pharmacy. Maybe you're feeling a little delusional because you're off your meds," Danna jabs, walking away as Liz stands in shock and I stand shaking in anger.

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