(65) Woot! Road Trip!

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"Dr.Saltzman, this van is very... white of you," Kaleb states from the front seat of the van, as I sit squished in between Lizzie and Hope, Jo on Hope's other side and Dorian and Emma in the seat behind us. 

"It's retro," Ric states, glancing at the vampire beside him then back to the road as some music plays through the radio. 

"It's a gas-guzzling atrocity on wheels, but nice try Ric," I state, him giving me a look through the rearview mirror. 

"I brought snacks," Hope states, sitting up with a plastic bag full of goodies. 

"Oh, sweet!" Lizzie states sarcastically. "Did you pack them before or after you decided to FOMO your way onto our trip?" 

"Like I'm gonna let you guys chase monsters without me?" Hope states cockily. 

"Without us," I correct, her nodding. 

"I would've thought you wanted to spend the break canoodling with your hipster boyfriend," Liz mocks H, me turning to her with my eyebrows raised. 

"Any negative comments then on my boyfriend? Since you seem to be dishing them out," I ask, her shaking her head no. 

"You know I ship you and Rafael, like, so much," She assures. 

"Sorry for wanting to protect the outside world from my mistakes," Hope states. "You know, there's currently an urn on a river cruise spreading plagues across America because my sister and I thought a unicorn was cute. It's called accountability. Maybe there's a bracelet for it." 

"Oof," Kaleb states, smirking as I hit his arm. 

"Hope lay off," I try, although the girls on either side of me ignore me. 

"Or maybe you just wanted to ruin yet another Saltzman spring break," Liz accuses. 

"Lizzie come on-" I try again, although H cuts me off. 

"When have I ever ruined a spring break?" Hope questions, both looking annoyed with the other. 

"Alaric!" I exclaim, already fed up with being sat between these two. 

"Girls? We're gonna be in this classic automobile for six hours, all right? So, no bickering."

"It would help if it wasn't a thousand degrees in here. I'm burning up," Hope complains. 

"You're burning up, now that's ironic," Liz comments.

"What does that even mean?" Hope and I question in sync. 

"Don't play dumb, I see you, Hope. I see right through you."

"What are you talking about?" I ask as Hope states, "I don't know what you're talking about. What happened to playing nice?"

"Over. Done. I'm getting back to me. I am who I am. Right Josie?" Liz asks, but gets no response as Jo has her earbuds in. "Josie?" Liz asks again, reaching out to tap her. 

"Sorry?" Jo asks, taking out an earbud. 

"Josie," Lizzie begins in a quieter tone than before. "You cannot leave me alone with just her for company," She states, glancing to my sister.

"What am I? Invisible?" I question, shaking my head. 

"Yeah, well I get car sick if I don't listen to music," Jo states, and I wonder if it's just her excuse given the radio is playing. 

"Josie!" Liz exclaims in annoyance, reaching over to hit her. In retaliation, Josie hits back, both Saltzman's beginning to argue and hit as Hope and I get hit in the crossfire.

"Girls!" Alaric yells, swerving the van as they stop. "There is no reason to be tense or awkward, okay? Now knock it off. We're gonna get through this together. God help us all."

"Someone kill me now," I beg, head in my lap.

"Woot! Road trip," Kaleb exclaims sarcastically. 


"Punch buggy!" Liz exclaims, punching Hope and accidentally elbowing me in the process as more old pop plays a while later.

"Okay, sandwiches," Dorian states, beginning to pass out the packed lunch and everyone beginning to chat over each other.

"Ric did you only pack meat?" I question him before Jo nods, handing Kaleb a sandwich.

"Just baloney?" Kaleb questions, unimpressed.

"Andrea told you, it's meat," Josie explains to the vampire, him taking it and beginning to eat a Slim Jim.

"Punch buggy, not returns," Liz exclaims, punching Hope again, and hitting me once again.

"I'll punch buggy you with my wolf strength if you don't cut it out," I grumble, annoyed with one of my closest friends.

Alaric begins to sing, singing that '99 bottles of beer on the wall' song, driving us all crazy.

"I - I think I'm going to -" Jo starts, before bending over and throwing up all over the floor. The girls and I begin to freak out as Alaric just starts to yell for her to "Get it in the bag!"


"Are we there yet?" Liz questions a while later, asking this as Jo leans over to throw up in yet another bag.

"Oh, Lord! In the bag, sweetheart!" Ric exclaims, everyone groaning in disgust.


"Are we there yet?" I ask this time, fed up with this ride as a whole.

"I'm not lost!" Ric exclaims, although according to the crinkling of the map I hear from Dorian and Emma, he is very lost.


"37 bottles of beer on the wall, 37 bottles of beer. You take one down, pass it around, 36 bottles of beer on the wall," I sing along with everyone else, half asleep and just wishing to get out of the car.


"My heart brought a little song for you," Jo and I sing, harmonizing as she strums her ukelele. "So won't you take a listen and dance with me to the rhythm?" We finish, her moving to put away her instrument but bumping Kaleb's seat, setting him off.

"Yo, could you not?"

"I'm sorry," Jo whispers out.


"Are we there yet?" Lizzie questions an hour later.

The car comes to an abrupt stop, and Alaric answers with an exasperated "Yes!" before we all begin to unload from the car as quickly as possible.

"Thank God!" I exclaim, following Liz out. 

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