Chapter 1

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K is for Kamabo is a reimagining of the Octo Expansion DLC that diverges from the source material heavily. From using the original, unpatched ending of Octo Canyon where Callie disappears, to avoiding convenient plot devices like amnesia, I've taken many liberties with how I present the story and world. Inspired by spy novels, this story features a serious and character-driven version of Octo Expansion's plot. Ultimately, I hope to spin a gripping, high-stakes tale that parallels a story I already love but gives me ample room to explore new ideas.

Thank you for choosing to read K is for Kamabo. This is a story that I've been sinking a lot of time and energy into, a story that I have been itching to tell. I have put great care into ironing out all the details so that you may have a more engaging experience. Please enjoy.

As always, I welcome all feedback. Please say hello and tell me what you think!


Thursday, 11:30 p.m.
Kamabo Co., Sector D10

The lone Octoling peered around a bend in the alleyway. With her back pressed to the wall, she listened for any sounds that might be coming toward her position, her red eyes scanning what little she could make out of the upcoming zone. Under the cover of night, she couldn't see much, but fortunately, neither could her foes.

She slipped around the corner, still up against the wall, and got a clearer view of her surroundings. The concrete buildings all around her shot high into the sky. Black towers blended into a black, starless expanse. Fifty feet in front of her was a metal railing, which marked the far end of the alley. Beyond that was a six or seven-foot drop to ground level, a boxed-in, square-shaped space that spanned roughly forty feet. At least three targets were patrolling the lower area—she could see the yellow glow of their flashlights up ahead. A cloud of light fog had also formed in the open space, clinging to the asphalt and obscuring her view of the square.

The blue-haired Octoling's job was simple: get in and get out safely. She took two more steps forward and dropped to the ground, crawling the rest of the way on her stomach. When she reached the metal railing, she stopped to listen again. She confirmed three targets: two right below the railing coming toward her position, and a third on the other side of the square.

When the first two targets came directly under her, the Octoling sprang up and vaulted over the railing. She landed on top of the first target with both feet, knocking it over. Then she lunged forward and jammed her elbow into the other, taking it out as well. A thin, red beam of light cut through the fog, locking onto the Octoling's chest. She dove behind a large wooden crate just as the third target took its shot, and an explosion pierced the silence of the night. From behind the crate, the Octoling popped out and bounded on all fours over to the other side of the square, a blur of green and blue. The third target had no time to load another round, and she gave it one swift strike.

The inflatable training dummy went down with a satisfying pop. Its mounted scope rifle fell to the ground, and the lights in the test chamber came back on. The Octoling recoiled and jerked her head down, her pale green arms instinctively shooting up to her face in an attempt to shield her eyes.

"TEST PASSED!" the loudspeakers boomed. From behind a screen, Commander Tartar watched the test subject make her way out of the simulation room. He was quite pleased with the results.


Friday, 8:52 a.m.

A short girl stepped into Captain Cuttlefish's office, quietly closing the door behind her. She approached his desk and noted the lack of personal effects—other than a small portrait frame holding a faded photo of two little girls, the captain's desk was free of clutter. Its smooth, mahogany surface held only a laptop computer and a stack of file folders. Two grey, cushioned chairs sat across the captain in front of the desk, and the girl pulled one back for herself with her right hand.

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