Chapter 3: Glitter Sparkle

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Brooha was on her way to the human world as she had a amazing plan to defeat the glitter force.

In the mean time Shira and her new friends, Emily, Kelsey, Lily, Chloe and April were going to a ice cream shop to get some ice cream. The weather was terrible, it was so hot everywhere and even if you sat down in the shadow. It was even hot inside buildings, it was absolutely terrible. Shira got a mint chocolate chip flavour ice cream, Kelsey took stracciatella, Emily took a choclate ice cream, Chloe and April took a green tea ice cream and Lily took vanilla. They buyed for their ice cream and enjoyed it, It was refreshing. They all went to the park together and ate their ice cream. Shira didn't really want to get new friends. Why? You ask? Well she was afraid of losing her new friends just like what happened to her other friends... Even though her new friends weren't part of the glitter force, at least she didn't know that, she was still afraid of losing them. In the park people were enjoying the sun, people were playing with their dogs or kids and just doing what they love to do. Everything seemed so normal, but not everything is what it looks like.

Brooha was looking at the girls with a evil smile, she saw there weren't just five girls but six. "Ugh must be a new 'friend' or something like that" Brooha mumbled annoyed and took out her book and black paint to rewrite the future. " This spot will do nicely hehe, or should i say Badly! Unhappy ending time! Sorry, world, but your future is about to be rewritten!" She said as she painted the page black. People began to get depressed and sad and gave up all their hope. The sky turned dark green, something like that." Haha! Oh, just look at that all that lovely negative energy! Just what i need to turn the wheel of doom and revive my master Nogo, Emperor of Evil!" Brooha laughed and all the negative energy got absorbed in the book and the wheel of doom clicked another click.

The six girls were surprised and looked at Brooha with a glare. " Not her again!" Kelsey rolled her eyes. Shira looked at her new friends and slowly walked away from them and hide behind a tree. "No good.. What to do ??" Shira was asking herself many questions and hit herself. "Ugh concentrate Shira! Your friends are in danger i need to transform.." Shira mumbled to herself and when she looked at her friends she was shocked. All five of her friends were looking so differently... Shira was confused and she looked at them wondering how they became glitter force warriors. "Impossible.." She whispered, shira looked at her friends and saw them fighting against a buffoon. "I need to transform now... but they can never know that it is me, for their safety" She said and grabbed her medallion and tried to concentrate. " Okay... Glitter force make-over!" Shira said and she began to transform. " Glitter bands! Glitter boots! I rock!!" She yelled in her transformation." In the darkness their will always be a light somewhere... I am Glitter Sparkle!!" Shira said as she made a pose.

 I am Glitter Sparkle!!" Shira said as she made a pose

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(What Shira/Glitter Sparkle looks like. Picture is not mine! )

Shira got out of her hiding place and glared at Brooha and the Buffoon. The girls tried their best to defeat the Buffoon. No one noticed that Shira was their at all. Shira walked calmly to the other girls and then stood before them. The others looked at Shira in confusion not knowing who this mysterious girl was. "Wait, What?! There is another one like us???" Emily or should i say Glitter Lucky said surprised. "Funny i was going to say the same thing" Shira mumbled looking at the girls. "Who are you?" Kelsey/Glitter Sunny asked. "You can call me.... Glitter Sparkle " Shira said and before the girls could ask more questions, Shira began to attack the Buffoon. "Alright! Glitter force! Sparkle..... Sparkles!" She yelled and an enormous amount of light and sparkles came outfrom Shira's medallion and with that the Buffoon was defeated and a glitter charm appeared. "Glitter Sparkle huh..." Brooha muttered before teleporting away to The Shadow Realm. Everything turned normal and the other girls turned back to normal and looked at Shira or what they know Glitter Sparkle. "Wow thanks for the help! You're very good!" Emily said. Glitter Sparkle faced the others. "You five need to be more careful! You all need to work on your fighting skills" She mumbled. "Wait a sec! Who are you to tell us that huh?!" Kelsey yelled. Shira rolled her eyes annoyed. "Someone that has more experience then all of you together" Shira said before running away from them.

When she was for away from the girls she transformed back to her normal self and sighed deeply. "That was pretty close.. I hope they did not recognize my voice " Shira said to herself and looked at the sky. " How long has this been going on... how long have they been fighting buffoons and villians..? " She asked herself and began to walk home.

As shira arrived at her home she opened the door and till her surprise she saw her .. PARENTS?! "SHIRA DARLING!" Her father yelled as he embraced her. " Hello dad.." She muttered and looked at her mother. "Hey mom" She said quietly. "Shira dear how have you been doing???" Her mother asked. "Fine i guess, but i thought you two would be gone for a little longer" Shira said looking at her parents. " Oh we just wanted to surprise you darling" Her father smiled softly as he still holded Shira. " Mike let her go you silly " Her mother giggled and Shira's father Mike was pouting. " But Ella dear" He said. Shira's mom Ella was glaring hard at Mike and he shut his mouth. "So scary" He whispered before running upstairs. Shira laughed a little and smiled and walked to the kitchen. " I really didn't expect you two to be home so soon" Shira said as she grabbed some a cookie and ate it. Her mother just smiled. " Like i said, we wanted to surprise you, so tell me all about your first day off school" Ella smiled. " Maybe later, i need to make my homework first" Shira answered before going to her room and closed her door behind her. Shira sighed and looked at her desk, that was weird... their was a letter on her desk and she was sure it wasn't there before.' Probably from mom or dad' She thought before picking up the letter and hid it somewhere. She didn't had time to read a letter now, she would read it later.

In The Shadow Realm, Brooha was walking around waiting for the others to come. Brute and Ulric were their already. Finally Rascal and General Shadow arrived. The two higher ranked creatures still didn't like each other. "What did you wanted to say Brooha" Shadow muttered. "Well ehm.... you will never believe who i saw" She said. " And who is who?" Brute asked looking at the witch.

" Glitter Sparkle "

I hope you like the story so far and if you have ideas for this book to be more fun please let me know!

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