Chapter 4: Anger issues and hello Raphael who?

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" Glitter Sparkle" Brooha said to the others. Brute and Ulric were shocked and their mouths were wide open. Shadow's eyes turned dark red out of anger. "Impossible!" He growled out of anger and threw the table away from where Ulric and Brute were playing a game... poor guys. Rascal just laughed and smirked as he looked at Shadow. "Why so angry Shadow~ Do you miss your girlfriend " Rascal snickered. Shadow glared at Rascal " SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND YOU ANNOYING JOKER!" Shadow snapped. Hmm, little anger issues if you ask me... Anyways Shadow stormed out of the room and made fists of his hands. "Heh... stupid girl.. she never should have transformed ever again because now I will do whatever it takes to kill her.. once and for all!" He yelled as he looked at the sky.

'Another day of school' Shira thought as she was dressing in her uniform. It was raining very hard outside on the street and Shira didn't want to go to school at all. No one was seen on the street. Shira walked out of her room and started brushing her teeth. That was until Shira heard a loud noise downstairs. She quickly went downstairs to see what was going on and what she saw was her biggest nightmare, well one of her biggest nightmares. "Little sis! I missed you so much," said a familiar voice. "Raphael ..." Shira mumbled annoyed. Did I mention that Shira has a brother? Well, she has two brothers to be exact, but one of them .. well that is not spoken about in the family. Just when Raphael wanted to hug Shira, she stepped aside. "WHERE WERE YOU!" Shira screamed angrily. Raphael put his hands over his ears and closed his eyes. "You were gone for almost two years!" Shira gave the death glare to Raphael and he laughed nervously. "S-sis i-i can explain r-really, o-oh is that a new neckless ??" Raphael said as he tried to get out of the conversation. "No, I already had that BEFORE YOU WERE AWAY" "S-sorry please forgive me Shira" Raphael whined. Shira kept glaring at Raphael and deeply sighed. "Seriously you are older than me but you act like a baby" Shira mumbled. "Now explain yourself Raph" She said. The older male sighed deeply as he looked at his little sister. "Well, I... I just couldn't stay home after what happened with you and with.. well you know 'him' " Raphael sighed. His face was so sad and it looked like he was about to cry very hard. Shira took her older brother in her arms and hugged him tightly. " Mom and Dad were very worried you know.." Shira sighed. Raphael hugged his little sister back. " I'm sorry okay... I really am sorry" He whispered. Shira let go off her older brother and looked at him. "Oh, and I have another surprise... I'm coming to your school too! " Raphael smiled happily. Shira's eyes widened and she sighs deeply. "Great..." She mumbled. 

[In the meantime at The Shadow Realm] 

Shadow was thinking, he needed to do something before the others could find out what made Glitter Sparkle that powerfull. He was walking around in his room and looked at himself in the mirror. A shadow mask was hiding his whole face, he was very angry at himself about the way he looked. That face of his... reminded him of a time of 'happiness'. The mirror Shadow was looking at broke and it fell down. Shadow began to destroy anything that was in his room out of anger. He ribbed some of his clothes apart and he was laughing crazily. He continued to destroy anything until someone knocked on the door. Shadow stopped and he glared at the door and opened it. "Rascal.." He mumbled under his breath. The joker looked at the general with a wide grin. "What's bothering you Shadow~ Having little anger issues huh~???" The Joker chuckled as he looked at the now annoyed Shadow. "What do you want" Shadow mumbled. "Oh nothing, just the fact that you are hiding something from me... so what is it?! You do know Glitter Sparkle's true identity, don't you? " Rascal said as he came closer to the general. Shadow was sweating a little and looked away. He kept his mouth closed and didn't say a single word. "And what if I know? What difference would it be huh? It's just an annoying girl that's all" Shadow said. The joker was frowning and sighed. "Well, I guess I just need to find out on my own" And with that Rascal walked away. The general was nervous and he sat down on his bed and holds his mask with his hands. 

"He can never find out who she is... Never" Shadow whispered.

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