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After we got out the park I was horrified at the sight of children screaming and running around like idiots. It felt worse than being at the mall because at least I knew I would have some one by myside wear as at the park I'm gonna be left behind. I guess Hyunjin noticed I was sorta of freaking out because he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him and it made me feel a lot better. Once we were starting to do things I  kind of split from the ground and went into a tree just relax myself hoping to calm down just a little more. I perched on a pretty low branch it was thick and sturdy so I knew I wouldn't fall I wanna say I was maybe five feet off the ground so I knew if I fell it wouldn't hurt. As I closed my eyes so I could taken the beauty of nature I was hit by Something and then next thing I knew I hit the ground and laid there winded then I saw a person hovering above me and oh Lord it was those idiots from the bus stop. I started to panic but didn't want to show I was panicking so I simply stood up dusted myself off and tried to walk away and got pushed again. Then the group of boys started to kick me in the stomach, back, sides and anything they really could I was in pain but refused to cry for help or alert my brothers. But why did they have to do this to me before I didn't talk to their girlfriends or some other dumb reason soon my vision got blurry then I herd barking Rango and the boys left and from what I could see were trying to grab Rango I got to my feet and staggered back. Then I saw one of them caught Rango he was  crying and howling for help as they tried to clip what I assumed a collar around his neck and I ran to him and started pushing the boys only to be pushed for the third time and as soon as I got up I ran to Minho with tears streaming down my face "THEY HAVE RANGO BUBBA!!" I sobbed he looked concerned and shocked probably because I called him bubba which I haven't done in like 7 years but I was in distress I showed him the group of boys and he soon got a glimpse of Rango and him and Lucas went to go get Rango as Hanna stayed behind with me and was comforting me soon I saw that the boys were trying to sneak Rango away from Lucas and Minho so Hanna and I raced to the scene and I jumped on top of the kid who had Rango by the neck and punched him in the face causing him to let go of Rango. Rango ran towards Hanna and so did I and hugged the life out of him and quickly took off that collar and after that he turned normal and I hugged him again I was so glad to see he wasn't getting kidnapped.
Hopefully you enjoyed and thank you for reading!
          -Love avianchild🌺 🐾

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