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"This isn't your cat this my cat she got out the house this morning." The girl said persistently Changbin went up to Hana with Hyunjin trailing behind. "No I'm pretty sure it is please return my cat." Hana said clenching her fist "No stop harassing me!" The girl yelled with fake tears "I'm not bitch if you wanna see harassment I can show you asult while I'm fucking at it bitch! Give me my fucking cat!" Hana said harshly Lucas stayed away and watched from a distance. "Leave me alone you psychopath! This is why your last bf cheated!!" The girl yelled back Hana slammed he bag on the ground and grabbed the backpack from the floor and threw it at Lucas who got hit by it and let it hit the floor minho let out a meow signaling he was still in there so Lucas freed him. Hana on the other hand SNATCHED the girls hair swung at her a few time got punched a few times in the lip that was now bleeding and pinned the girl against a nearby house and was slamming the girls face into the house over and over again all in less than 3 minutes so Lucas and Minho rushed to stop murder the owner of said house called 911 because poor old lady had no clue what the hell was going on. Lucas tried to pull Hana away and got punched in the nose Hyunjin howled for his parents Chan was there in less than a minute and saw what was happening and snatched Hana off the ground but no Hana had handfulls of the poor girls hair she was using to pull the girl towards her and kicking her in the head. Lucas helped the girl escape the she demon named Hana. Chan took Hana and calmed her down "Thank you so much! oh my your quite cute I know we just met but I have never seen you here so it must be destiny we be together." The girl said shyly as she wiped away a bit of blood. Hana herd the girl and ran at her Minho saw and tackled her "BITCH WANNA FUCKING GO KEEP YOUR CRUSTY ASS HANDS OF MY FUCKING MAN THE FUCKING AUDACITY THIS HOE OF HERE WANTS ME TO KILL HER I WILL FUCKING END YOOOOOOU!!!!! AHHHHHHH!" Hana demon screetched Chan helped Minho and got Hana Lucas walked toward Hana as well "Could you drive us to school?" Hyunjin asked looking at the situation of things "It seems like the best option. So yeah help us drag your sister home." Chan told Hyunjin "IF YOU EVER FUCKING TALK TO MY MAN OR CAT AGAIN YOU WILL NOT FUCKING BREATHE AGAIN THATS A FUCKING PROMISE BITCH!" Hana screetched as she was carried away. Once upon home Chan grabbed the keys not before being questioned by Woojin "What was all that yelling!?!" Woojin asked seeing Hana a hot mess "Some girl pissed Hana off tried to kidnap our son and tried to take Hana's man's and that girl lost quite a bit of blood and Ms.Smith has blood on the side of her house I'm driving the kids to school love you." Chan said all except the last part very quickly and left with all of his kids who ride the bus.
So I based this off a fight I got into with my fried mal when she claimed I lost in basketball and I won we were sent to Vice princple then we're told to go to class then my Social studies teacher asked what happened her and o got into a fight in the hallway moral of the story don't be afraid to beat a bitch weather they your homie or not me and mal still friends and got into a fight 3 weeks ago!

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