A trap?-CH.3

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Y/n: Kim...Taehyung?

Tae: you're the girl from last night!
Y/n: yeah...um...Y/n, nice to see you again. "I said and extended my hand"
Tae: sure... "He said and turned the other way"

Is he serious right now? What's his problem? And I almost thought he was a good guy...

B/f/n's pov

Why can't I find a good perfume?! FUCK! My phone started ringing but before I picked it up it had already stopped. When I was about to leave I heard a male voice from behind me.

??: miss, you dropped this!
B/f/n: thank-
??: you again?!

I have to get out of here! When I tried to run away he grabbed me tightly from my forearm.

??: not this time!

He said and dragged me out of the store. He dialed a number and called his friend to come. What was his name again? Taeyang? No!, Maybe Taeyong? No! Ah! Taehyung!

Taehyung's pov

I can't believe I met this girl again. Y/n.. I still can't remember from where I know her. Then suddenly I heard my phone ring.

Tae: what do you want Jimin?
Jm: guess what..
Tae: just say what you have to say already!
Jm: I have the girl from yesterday with me
Tae: WHAT?!

I said loudly. I turned around to see if someone heard me. Likely no one did.

Y/n's pov

Of course I heard him! I went closer to hear clearer. But still I couldn't hear the one he was talking to.

Tae: where did you find her? Really? You seriously going to do that? Someone will have fun tonight... Yeah I'm coming. Shut up I have to buy something for Yoongi or else he will kill us. Stop being dramatic Mr Park or else you will go with her!

He said and hung up the phone. Pfft weird! Why would he call his friend 'Mr Park' and- wait! Oh...my...god.. Don't tell me that Mr Park is the one that was searching for us! I have to spy on that guy or else my friend will be killed by tonight.

About 10 minutes passed and he left. I went after him and started following him. Suddenly he stopped. Fuck he knows I'm following him. He started walking towards me. I quickly took out my phone and pretended to talk to someone. He came closer and looked me angrily.

Y/n: h-hey..Taehyung...w-whats u-up? "I said and smiled widely"
Tae: do you think I am an idiot? "He said and took my phone"
Y/n: hey give it back!
Tae: I don't think so...

He said and got out of the mall with my phone. I run after him to get my phone back. He walked faster until we were behind the mall.

Y/n: where are we?
Tae: why? don't you like it here? Now that we are alone? "He said with a smirk on his face"
Y/n: oh hell to the no! Just give me my phone back dipshit!
Tae: tsk tsk tsk...who learned you to talk like that...
Y/n: I learned myself asshole..
Tae: oh come on I'm gonna cry"he said and started coming closer"...Better watch how you speak at me because when I get mad, I do things that may have a bad result. "He said and showed me his gun"
Y/n: it's a trap...
Tae: so smart...now bye bitch!

And then everything went black.

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