Off Limits

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Jay's POV

As I approached the 21st District the nerves started to build up. I mean who wouldn't be nervous on their first day? I pushed open the double doors and walked towards the front desk. An older woman who was working the front desk looked me up and down but hen continued with her work.

"Hi, um I'm looking for Hank Voight?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Hank Voight doesn't take visitors." She answered. Not lifting her eyes from her paperwork.

"I'm not a visitor. I'm the new member of the 'Intelligence Unit'" I answered. But she didn't seem to believe me.

"I don't think..."

"Hey!" A voice shouted from beside me.

As I turned to face the direction of the voice that came from my eyes met a woman. She stood about 5ft5 and had short dirty blonde hair. She walked over to me. Her smile was mesmerising. So mesmerising that I hadn't realised she was talking to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, yeah sorry. I'm Jay."

I put out my hand hoping that she would shake it.

"Erin." She answered. "Erin Lindsay."

"It's nice to meet you, Erin Lindsay." I said. Trying to start myself on the right foot.

She smiled back at me.

"Jeez, if you two are going to continue flirting then can you do it somewhere else?" The woman at the desk said. "And it's Trudy Platt, thanks for asking."

Erin laughed at the sergeants remark.

"Ok Platt give him a break." She turned back to face me. "Here I'll show you where you'll be working."

She led me up a set of stairs. She stopped to put in her password and scan her hand. The door opened with a beep and she held it open for me as I walked through. We walked up the rest of the stairs.

"Welcome to the bull pen." She said.

As I made it to the top step I finally got to take in my new unit. Desks lined the walls. All with people sat at them. Except two. Which I figured one must have been mine, and the others must have been Erin's.

"So this is your desk." She pointed to the desk at the top right.

"Thank you." I said and made my way to my desk. Taking a seat.

"Guys this is Jay." She said.

"Wow already on a first name basis." A man at the desk next two me said.

"Shut up Ruzek!" Erin said.

Well at least I knew another persons name now. As I began to take in my surroundings a tall man walked out of an office. He looked me up and down.

"You must be Halstead." He put his hand out for me to shake.

"You must be Sargent Voight." I said as I shook his hand

"I see you've already met Detective Lindsey, this is Antonio, Kevin, Ruzek, Nadia and Alvin." He pointed each of them out as he said there name.

"Nice to meet you all." I said

"Well we've got a case so I hope your ready?" Voight said as he made his way over to the whiteboard.

He briefed us on our case. It was a drug bust gone wrong and all of the gangs where placing the blame on each other. Someone had jumped the truck that contained the drugs and killed the driver in the progress. They had a lead that one of the gangs where going to jump another truck tonight. And we where going to be there waiting.

"Everyone suit up!" Voight said

Everyone got up so I followed not knowing where I was going. Lindsay walked up beside me.

"Hey I'll show you where your vest is." She said as she led me down the stairs to a locker where a vest was waiting for me.

I put the vest on and did up all the straps. I noticed Lindsey struggling with hers. The top strap had got stuck and she couldn't get it.

"Hey let me help you?"

She turned and smiled at me as I walked over. I fixed the strap and did it up for her.

"Thank you" She said. "You'll be riding with me."

I followed her towards our car. Just before I jumped in Voight walked towards me.

"Halstead" He said. I turned to face him. "A minute?"

I walked over to him as he walked a bit further away so that no one could hear our conversation.

"Lindsey's off limits." He said. I looked at him confused on what he meant.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean Sarge?" I questioned.

"If you want to stay in this unit you keep it in your pants." He said.

"Yes Sarge." I said. Knowing that the conversation wasn't up for debate.

I headed back towards the car and hopped into the passenger side.

"What was that about?" Lindsey asked as she reversed out of the parking lot.

"Nothing he was just telling me to behave." I said.

"Ok." She said as she giggled at my remark. As we followed he rest of the unit towards the location.

Authors Note

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my new book "The Silent Investigation". This book will be based on the characters from the TV show "Chicago PD" and may also include characters from the other one Chicago shows including "Chicago MED" and "Chicago Fire".

Please vote and comment and let me know what you think!

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