Hank will kill me

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Authors Note - Hey Guys! This chapter does contain some SMUT so if this is something that you don't want to read then you can skip this chapter as it doesn't contain any important information. Remember to Vote and Comment!
They entered Erin's apartment building and began walking up the stairs. Erin quickly unlocked the door and pushed it open.
Erin - I have some wine in the fridge. If you'd like?
Jay - That depends. How much wine are you planning on having?
Erin - Well that depends on how much of this night I want to forget?
Jay - Well it's been a while since the last time I had sex. So I might be a bit rusty. You might want a glass or two.
He said as he walked closer to her. Placing his hand on her hip. Erin back was now against Jay's front. Erin moaned in content.
Jay - How long?
Erin - How long what?
Jay - Since you last had sex?
Erin - It's been two years.
Jay - Wow! I barely lasted six months since my last relationship ended.
Erin - Well it's not like you always need two people.
Jay slightly hummed at Erin's remark as he reached his hand further round the front of her body.
Jay - Why don't you explain to me how exactly that works Detective Lindsay.
Erin turned round to face Jay.
Erin - Why don't we have a couple of glasses of wine and I can show you?
Jay raised an eye brow at Erin's remark. Excitement grew within him.
Jay - Wine it is then.
Erin made her way over to the fridge and grabbed the wine bottle. Once she had closed the fridge she reached up to the top cupboard and grabbed two wine glasses from the shelf. She opened the wine bottle and poured the dark red liquid into the glasses. She turned round and handed on to Jay who was standing directly behind her. Watching her every move.
Erin - So Detective Halstead.
Jay - Detective Lindsay
Erin - We don't have work tomorrow.
Jay - No we do not. Which means that I don't have to go home tonight.
Erin - How so?
Jay - Because I can guarantee that you are going to be so worn out tomorrow morning that you won't be able to stand. And I'll just have to be there ready to catch you.
Erin - Is that so Detective. Well we better get started soon then?
Jay - That sounds like a great plan.
Jay started into Erin's eyes. They had been flirting. But where they actually going to do this. Erin knew in her mind that Hank would be pissed at her. But it had been two years. She thought to herself. And a woman had needs.
She reached her hand out and touched Jays thigh. Slowly moving her hand up his leg.
Erin - So how long has your tool been out of action?
Jay - Long enough.
Jay picked Erin up bridle style. Earning a giggle from her. Erin cupped jays face in her hand and placed a desperate kiss to his lips. It grew hungrier as they continued to walk to Erin's room.
Erin - It's the room on the right.
Jay followed Erin's instructions and walked towards the room in the right. Jay threw her down on her bed as she quickly sat herself up and worked at his belt. Once she had got it off she pulled Jays face back to her kissing from his lips to his jaw line.
Jay fumbled with the bottom of Erin's shirt as he lifted it up and over her head. He was never mesmerised by the black lace bra she had on.
Jay - Someone's prepared.
Erin - I'm always prepared.
Jay pulled Erin's neck closer to him. As he peppered kisses down her neck and onto her chest. He grabbed Erin's hips and flips her over. Continuing to pepper kisses down the back of her spine. Erin moaned in content at the feeling.
Jay - Are you ready?
Erin - Yes!

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