Let me get to know you

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Jay's POV

Erin gave me the directions to her apartment and I started driving in that direction. Once we arrived at her apartment I walked round to the passenger side and picked her up out of the car.

"Jay you don't have to do this." She said as I carried her up the stairs to her apartment.

"We'll your struggling to walk so how else did you think that you would get up these stairs?" I said laughing which gained a laugh from her aswell.

"Argh." She said as she tried to grab something out of her back pocket. "I don't want to sound forward but an you get my keys out my back pocket?" She asked

"Yeah sure." I said as I managed to get the keys out of her pocket. Making sure I didn't spend too long fidgeting for them.

I opened the door and walked through. Kicking the door shut with my foot I took in her apartment. It was plain but weirdly it was what I thought it would be like. I sat her down on her couch. She groaned as I did so. I could tell she was trying to conceal her pain.

"Thank you." She said

"Your welcome. So I'll see you tomorrow at work." I said as I turned to head out the door of her apartment.

"Hey?" She said so I turned to face her. "It's late. Do you want to order something to eat nd I can get to know my new partner a bit more?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." I said as I walked back over to her couch.

I sat myself down on the couch beside her. Making sure to leave a fair distance. After all I had only known her one day.

Erin's POV

I could see that he was giving me my space. I t was nice of him. Most guys would have tried to make a move on me by now. But maybe he was different. Mabye he would actually want to talk to me like a friend before getting me into bed.

"Hey so what's your favourite takeaway?" I asked him. Hoping that it would be a Chinese as I love a Chinese.

"I really like a Chinese? Only if that's alright with you though?" He asked. Like he was looking for my permission.

"Of course. Chinese is my favourite!" I gleamed in return.

Jay's POV

I don't think I had every genuinely seen someone more excited for a Chinese. We ordered the chines and sat and ate it on the floor. We watched an episode of friends which she seemed to know every word too and her laugh would engross me. Because no matter how many times she seemed to have seen the episode she seemed to still find the jokes funny.

"So how did you end up in the police?" She asked me.

"Well I was in the army first. But I decided to leave and for a while I was dating Gabby Dawson."

"Gabby! Oh your that guy that she went on about for a while! She would never tell me your name." She said taking another bite of her food.

"I hope good things?" I asked her.

"Yeah it was good things. So why'd you guys break up?" She asked.

"Wow straight into the deep stuff then?" I said laughing.

"We'll I need to know if my new partners going to be seeping around and turning up late for work?" She said giggling to herself.

"I can promise you that I am the perfect gentleman." I said adding a posh voice at the end.

"Uh huh." She said giving me a look.

We both laughed and talked about how she had ended up in the intelligence unit. She didn't say much but she did say that Hank helped her get the job.

"So who is Hank to you then?" I asked. Finishing off the last of my food.

"Well he's kinda my dad." She said

"How kinda?" I asked confused.

"Well he's more like my adoptive dad but its not official or anything. He hasn't signed anything." She said.

"How'd that happen?" I asked. Listening to her every word.

"He took me in when I was fifteen. I was in a rough place and he helped me out. So I moved in with them after he found out what my life was like. And then I gained a brother and a second mother." She said.

"What was life like?" I asked. I saw her eyes drop. Knowing that I may have crossed the line but before I can apologise she speaks

"It was rough." She said. "My mum took drugs. My dad was in prison. I kind of cared for myself since I was five or six." She said with a slight laugh at the end.

"It must have been hard?" I said.

"Yeah it was. But my life's better now. And I have Hank to thank for that." She said.

I could tell there was more to the story but I wasn't going to push it. We then watched a movie as we sat on the couch. When the movie finished I went to get up to leave and noticed that Erin had fallen asleep. I knew if she slept the couch that she would be in more pain tomorrow so instead I leant down and picked her up. She innocently snuggled into my chest and I walked through to what I hoped was her room. Quietly kicking the door open I stepped in and laid her down on her bed. I pulled the blanket over her and left the room quietly. I grabbed my phone and my keys and headed out. Shutting the door quietly as I left. I headed back down the stairs and to my car.

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