Chapter 6 Disappointment

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Zelda's Pov

The sun glimmered on my bed, waking me up. I opened my eyes slowly, still half asleep. But then a thought popped in my head waking me up completely.

Today's the day! I must give the vial to the sorcerer and maidens! I practically jumped out of bed with excitement. Today might be the day Link can be four once more!

I brushed my hair and my teeth as quickly as I could. I changed into my normal pink and white dress. I nearly ran out the door till I realized I was missing something. The satchel! I grabbed my satchel and looked inside it. The vial was still there. I closed it and ran out of my room.

I was so excited I couldn't help but run! In a blur I ran into someone. We fell to the floor. I looked at who I had bumped into. It was Link!

"Sorry Link! I'm in a hurry! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be training." I said.

What was he doing here?! He's not supposed to be here! It's a surprise! It won't be if he finds out about it! Link stood up and reached out his hand.

As he lifted me up he said, "My mom told me to come to you. I'm supposed to do whatever you want for a week, remember?"

Oh! That's right! I forgot! This'll be easy then! "Right. Well for now can you wait for me in the garden please? I have to do something important and I have to be alone while doing it." I said.

Link looked worried. "A-Are you keeping something from me Zelda?" He asked.

"No! Why would you say that?" I lied nervously.

"It's just, you've been acting strange for the past few days. You know, ever since Shadow got here. And I know for a fact that you visited him yesterday. Is he causing some sort of trouble?" Link asked.

"No he isn't causing trouble. And how did you know that I visited him?" I asked.

"Well I visited him before I came here and he said you saw him yesterday. Although he refused to tell me what for." Link explained.

Darn it! I forgot to tell Shadow this was a surprise. At least he didn't tell Link anything of what we talked about. "It's fine, don't worry, Link. I was just checking up on him." I lied.

"You sure everything is fine?" Link asked.

I nodded and spoke, "Yes Link. I think you're worrying too much. Just relax in the garden as you wait for me. I think you're getting too paranoid." I said.

"Maybe you're right. I might just be too paranoid, thank you Zelda." Link said.

"Anytime. I should really be going though." I said. The sooner I get this to them the sooner you can be four Link!

"What are you doing before the garden?" Link asked.

"Oh you know, boring but important royal duties. I'm letting you meet me at the garden because I know you'll be bored out of your mind if you come along." I lied.

"You know me so well. Thank you for sparing me the boredom." Link said gratefully.

"You're welcome. I'll see you at the garden Link." I said.

"See you at the garden Zelda. And try not to die of boredom please. I don't know what I'd do without you." He said, winking.

I laughed. "I'll be careful so as long as you relax for once." I replied.

"That's fair I guess. Bye." He said.

"Bye!" I replied.

We both headed our different ways. I looked in my satchel again, checking the vial. I wanted to make sure it wasn't broken because of the fall and thankfully it wasn't. I walked the rest of the way to be careful. If it had broke I don't know what I would have done.

I finally arrived at the laboratory where the ishida was supposed to be. I explained to the sorcerer and the maidens what Shadow told me and gave them the vial. I stayed there, watching them about to pour it on the ishida.

I remembered that Shadow said pour it in the ishida but how are we supposed to pour it inside the ishida? Maybe he just meant on the ishida.

Discord was inside the glass protected area, wearing a protective suit to protect him from the unstable ishida. He had the vial in his hand, opened it and held it above the ishida. I crossed my all fingers and even my toes, hoping that this would work. Please work. Please work. Oh goddesses let this work!

Discord slowly and carefully poured the white smooth liquid on the ishida. It didn't go on and around the ishida as I expected but the ishida absorbed the liquid and it seemed like it was being poured inside it. Huh, Shadow did mean inside. After the ishida was filled with every single drop it looked like a pearl from the sea. Discord entered the room we were in and took off his protective helmet.

"So?" I asked. "Is it stable?"

Discord spoke, "It seems like it, your highness. It's a miracle. Whatever was in that vial worked." He said which filled every fiber of my being with joy until, "But," Why does there have to be a but? What's wrong now?! "I'd recommend you let me observe it for the rest of the day. I don't see any issues right now but I'd rather not take any chances. We don't want to release Ganon after all do we?" Discord said.

"Okay..." I said, disappointment coating my voice.

"I know how you feel Princess but we just need to wait a little while longer. It'll be okay." Discord said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You're right. We have to make sure it has no issues so Ganon won't escape. It's the best for Hyrule. Link and I can wait longer. It'll be okay." I answered, understanding.


Hi! Thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me that people are enjoying my story.

(1028 words!)

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