a imposter - claude

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"Did you really think I loved you?" Cold eyes reflected in her own, Athanasia shivered at the sight of her father, his now red eyes sparked with hatred. And his shining brown hair had became soot black. She hadn't expected it to come to this.. for her father to be revealed as an imposter. This whole time Claude had been someone he wasn't meant to be. He was reincarnated. Just like Athy..

Athanasia had came to love her father despite the past. She had finally became comfortable around him. So comfortable that she didn't feel as if he would snap her neck at any given moment. She was happy, very happy

A stray tear fell from Athy's pale cheek and Athanasia smiled. Surprisingly the man before her flinched at her expression, his grip on her neck becoming tighter.

"Goodbye, papa." With a flash the girl before him disappeared. Leaving Claude, or whoever he was. By himself

here's a pic of reincarnated Claude, I edited him to what I imagined he would look like ig. I'll give more info on this AU later I suppose, btw I posted this on insta and tumblr as well. Under the names of teabecca and athanasiadealgerobelia

 Under the names of teabecca and athanasiadealgerobelia

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