the princess - wmmap fanfic (preview maybe??)

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Sucking on her juice box Y/n desperately wished for some company, whether it was a bird, or even her annoying little brother! She didn't care, she just wanted to do something other than sit in this dull living room.... her mother, little bro and father were out on a errand and she sadly had been left behind for misbehaving the last time they headed to the Madison's residence. Apparently she knew no manners and should stop messing around with the child whom was her age, she didn't understand why they were so against her being friends with the little girl but nonetheless it didn't matter to her, finally finishing the blackcurrant juice she jumped onto her feet and rushed out to the backyard which just so happened to hold a large forest behind the house.

Despite the forest being a forbidden place for her the young miss still decided to follow the stray black cat outside the fence and into the humongous forest. With the cat in front of her she didn't feel as afraid somehow and even felt a little excited.

It was as if Y/n was on a dangerous adventure with a friend! Y/n giggled at the thought imagining the stick she held to be a large shining sword which she would use to slay the dragon. Honestly the little girl didn't even think about getting lost. I mean how big could the forest really be? It shouldn't be that dangerous! She told herself a few reassuring words and pushed out the fear, making her way into the forest which overshadowed her small figure.

But the small black cat began to run all of a sudden, startled Y/n followed just behind the ball of fur. Y/n rushed to catch up with the curious cat "Kitty where are you going?!" She shouted out and watched as the cat dove underground.

Startled she rushed over to the hole the cat fell in and called out "Kitty?!" She shouted out to the cat whom replied with a small mew. Y/n beamed happily thanking the gods that he or she didn't sound hurt. Sparing no hesitation she reached down into the rabbit hole feeling around the space, searching for the soft black cat.

Suddenly though Y/n had felt herself slip and so she tumbled into the rabbit hole, going down, down, and down. Shrieking in panic Y/n's eyes shut tightly and as the girl continued to fall she heard a small mew besides her, the cat she had chased after so persistently fell along with her and now the shining hole above the two disappeared from sight as Y/n and the black cat fell further into the rabbit hole that was filled with clocks

"Ugh.." Y/n groaned. Where was she?

She distinctly remembered a cat, the forest and the hole filled with ticking clocks. Oh!! That's right! She sprung up suddenly 'Didn't I fall down a rabbit hole?' She asked herself, looking up to see a large mansion looking place. "Am I dreaming..?"

"Woah.." Y/n spun around awestruck, the meadow below her tickling her ankles, Y/n shivered at the touch. The sensation felt far too real for a dream.. she thought to herself, beginning to walk towards the mansion. She was unsure where she was. But she couldn't wait for the grass to grow. Somehow entering the mansion Y/n didn't feel as afraid as she thought she would. Perhaps it was because of the glimmering chandelier and the furniture that scattered the palace or maybe it was her silly mindset that did not know of any dangers. But despite that it was clear the place was tended to well.

Y/n wondered where all the people were at. Surely there must be somebody in this vast palace?

Suddenly a bang came from the opposite side of the room, and a scrawny maid came running in. Her scarlet hair flowing behind her "P-princess!"

Huh? Me?

- this was just a test,, but I may continue this. Here's the summary:

The last thing on little Y/n's bucket list was to wake up in a place other than home yet she still fell down a rabbit hole and found herself in a different world.

Basically Y/n reincarnates as Athy's sister (from another mother maybe..) I didn't proofread some of this btw so there's probably a few mistakes! I'll check tomorrow

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