🏖 • Welcome to alola! • 🏖

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Hey hey hey banana here! Miss me? Course' you didnt you probably just met me 😂 oh I crack myself up. Anyway this is my first book so no slapsies please, I'm just a smol innocent bean, and listen to the song if you want 😫 feel free to comment your thoughts, feelings and suggestions for this book and vote if ya want, I mean, you can't win everything right 😆 anyway I'll stop now, enjoy children 😎

- Banana🍌

Your P.O.V

"Aha! And everythings set, I'm ready to go to alola! Pokemon here I come!" I shout slamming my (f/c) suitcase closed and sighing in relief.
"Did you pack your underwear?" My mom shouts up the stairs, some how knowing I'd forgotten.
"Jesus do mom's have psychic powers?" I think to myself.
"Oh no, I forgot, hehe I'll do that now" I shout down to her.
"Baka..." I mutter under my breath, I'll be honest, I love my mom, I do. But recently she has got a new man friend and he is a pain in the backside. He always teases me and gives me uncomfortable vibes, I don't trust him. Then again, since my dad died I haven't trusted many people. But anyway, enough of the sappy stuff, we've got a bag to pack!

Time skip sponsored by oasis ads •

I grab my Dragonite pokeball and slide down my banister with my pokeball in one hand and my suitcase in the other, it didn't end well. I flew off the banister, sending my Dragonites pokeball flying out of my hand and my suitcase exploding everywhere. I landed on top of what seemed like my never ending pile of clothes.
"Ouch..." someone winces, I look up to see one of my pals, Gary Oak. He's a bit of a mad man, arrogance is his main feature, but he's decent enough when you get to know him, or just aren't Ash Ketchum.
"Oh uh... Hey Gary, a little help wouldn't go a miss you know" I nervously laugh, hopefully smiling at him, he rolls his eyes and locks his hand with mine. He pulls me onto my feet and let's go immediately.
"Wouldn't hurt to give me a good bye hug eith-"
"Now your pushing it"
"Yep I pushed it..." I say looking away awkwardly. I smile deviously and tackle him into a hug.
"Its super effective!" I shout as I topple onto his limp body.
"G-get off...Me...c-c-can breathe...!" He stutters out, I laugh and stand up, offering a hand to help him. He surprisingly didn't take it and stood up himself.
"Sorry dude aha I know you don't want my girl cooties, I won't do it again" I laugh, smiling a reassuring smile.
"I actually came to say..." Gary chokes on his words.
"Came to say what?" I ask, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"I-im going to...."
"Gary c'mon, spit it out"
"Im going to m-m-miss-..."
"Your not ET calm down, just say it!"
"IM GOING TO MISS YOU!" He finally blurts out, I laugh, then smile.
"I'll miss you too pal. Look I'll keep in contact, I'll ring you from the pokecenter how about that, and you can even come visit me in alola" I offer seeing him with glossy eyes, ready to spill tears.
"That sounds good..." he smiles, I pat his back and start to put my stuff back into my suitcase.
"What are you, an airport bomber? Did the bomb go off early?" I hear. Him. I look up to see my mom's new partner, also known as asshole No.98
"No, mind your own buisiness ass head" I shout as I close my suitcase tight and walk out the front door. I walk into a clear space in our garden and grab Dragonites pokeball from my suitcase. I throw it into the air and it opens, a red light comes from it and Dragonite comes out. I walk over to him and start to put on the satchel to hold my stuff in on him.
"You ready bud?" I ask jumping onto his back.
"Dragonite!!!" He roars, I laugh and pat his stomach twice, he then begins to take off.
"I'll meet you in alola mom!" I shout as me and Dragonite fly into the morning sunrise.
I woke up, heavy eyed, I looked around to see Dragonite sleeping on the floor beside my new bed in my new bedroom. It was a nice change from kanto.
"Hey Dragonite...?" I say with a hoarse, morning voice.
"Drag..?" He replies, I sit up weakly.
"You think being in alola will help forget my father?" I ask him, he looks shocked, but then proceeds to shake his head in no.
"Drag, dragon. Dragon Dragonite drag drago" he says, but for any non pokemon speakers, he said.
"No, it won't. You shouldn't forget him ever, even if it hurts"
"Yeah... your right. We should get ready for school" I say standing up and opening my suitcase. I still hadn't unpacked but I was working on it. I grabbed a black tank top and camo green shorts with some black sandals. I put on a necklace that my dad gave me on my 10th birthday, the day he died. It had a rainbow feather on it with 4 other pendants on it. A fire symbol, a water symbol, a grass symbol and a ground symbol.
I grabbed a dickie bow and walked over to Dragonite.
"Gotta look good on our first day of pokemon school!" I say putting the dickie bow on him. I laughed and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. Then there was a knock on the door, I got up and opened it to see a man wearing a lab coat and no shirt.
"Welcome to alola!"

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