Finding The Right Kaiju

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At the evil monsters' lair , Spacegodzilla , Megalon , Orga , Hedorah , Biollante , and Gigan were plotting a way to murder Godzilla like always.

Spacegodzilla- Okay. Let's go over the plan one more time.

Megalon- ( Huffs in annoyance ) How many times do we have to go over this ? Each and everyone of us is going to different of Godzilla's favorite pizza places. And which ever he orders his pizza from-- That monster has to poison his cheesey bread.

Spacegodzilla- Okey dokey ! Now let's head out team !

Before they could leave , Gigan runs up to his friends while holding up his phone .

Gigan- Hey , hey , hey ! You guys !

Spacegodzilla- ( Groans ) What is it now , Gigan ?!

Gigan- You know , instead of finding ways to kill Godzilla , how about we find ourselves an assassin or something ? Huh ? You guys ?

Megalon- ( Raises brow ) What do you mean ?

Gigan- What I mean is , I've been looking on Craigslist and they have awesome and incredible assassins on here.

The gang exchamged unsure glances at each other .

Spacegodzilla- Hmmm......

A few moments after , everyone is sitting down and lounging about in boredom as Gigan scrolls different kaijus on the site.

Gigan- Red King ?

Spacegodzilla- No.

Gigan- Zedus ?

Spacegodzilla- Nope.

Gigan- Daghara ?

Spacegodzilla- no.

Gigan-  Gigamoth ?

Spacegodzilla- pass.

Orga- ( Groans ) Come on already ! Choose someone for God's sake !

Biollante- Yeah ! You've been scrolling the net for an hour !

Megalon- Seriously ! How hard can it be to find the right person ?!

Gigan- ( Smiles ) Oh , there we go !

Spacegodzilla- ( Raises a brow and looks at him ) What ? Who did you find ?

Gigan- Oh ! I'm sure you'll like her .

Megalon- ( Interested ) Her ? It's a girl kaiju ?

Megalon and the others walk up to Gigan and Spacegodzilla in interest to learn more about the female monster.

Gigan- ( Looks at the phone ) Well , there's no picture of her. But it does say her name is Serpentina. She's obviously a snake kaiju. She has various powers and -- She's a Serpent Queen.

Spacegodzilla- Serpent Queen , huh ?

Biollante- ( Smiles ) My kind of girl !

Orga- She sounds pretty cool.

Megalon- Yeah. Where can we find her ?

Gigan continues to look at his phone for the kaiju's location.

Gigan- I'm looking. I'm looking..  Ah ! Here's her location ! It's um...  Serpent Island .

Everyone- Serpent Island ?

To Be Continued......

Monster Island Buddies : The Serpent KaijuWhere stories live. Discover now