The Queen Serpentina

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As Hebira led the gang into their settlement , a few male , female , and young serpents with different multicolored armored skin were watching them in curiosity , caution , and awareness.

Megalon- Wow.

Gigan- ( Smiles )  This is so cool ! You guys ! They almost all look the same except with some muscles , armor designs , and colors.

Orga- Man , couldn't believe we never heard of Serpent Island before until now.

Biollante- I am so coming back next summer !

Hedorah- ** You and me both . **

Spacegodzilla- Quiet , you fools ! We have to focus ! The Queen Serpentina might be our only chance to rid of my awful half brother.

They made a stop as they made it to a shiny lilac colored cave. They stare at it wide eyed until Hebira turns around to face them.

Hebira- Well... This is where she lives , people. And to be aware , she has a long ass body. Longer than the rest of the serpents we know.

Orga- Great ! A giant Queen  serpent  chick that can kick Godzilla's ass. I'm okay with that !

Hebira- Wait til you see the inside. It's gorgeous.

Megalon- Okay.

They all walk inside the cave and stroll along the trail as they see two magenta glowing orbs at the front . Everyone stares all around the cave in amazement. The cave was covered with purple , pink , blue , and white crystals ; Which made Spacegodzilla instantly interested . And there was a huge beautiful , crystal clear turquoise water pond.

Spacegodzilla- Maybe this place isn't that bad at all.

They kept walking for only 2 more minutes until they made it up to three ginormous hot pink and yellow crystals.

Hebira- This is where she rests . The crystals help her retain her energy.

Gigan- Whoa.

Hebira- You guys wait here. I'll be back.

Hebira  glides up to the crystals and and snakes around them as she disappears behind them. The gang exchange looks to one another until they all glare at Spacegodzilla who raises his arms up in defense.

Spacegodzilla- Okay , okay. Maybe this place isn't boring as I thought it'd be.

Biollante- You think ? Look at this place ! Look around !

Megalon- Yeah ! This  place is quite extraordinary.

Gigan- Yeah ! I can't take my eyes off of this  cavern , you guys !

Hedorah- ** I could just live here forever **

Spacegodzilla- But you can't ! Remember our goal , team ! Remember our goal !

Just then , they turn around to see Hebira slithering back to them .

Hebira- She's coming.

Megalon- Okay.

After Hebira slides over to their side next to Megalon, a smooth , warm , and feminine voice calls out.

???- So... You've decided to come to my island just to see me ?

Almost everyone stiffened. Everyone except for Hebira , who remains unfazed and Gigan who plasters an adoring expression and a fond smile. Then they hear her chuckle softly.

???- Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. You can tell me why you're here.

Gingerly , Spacegodzilla walks 5 steps forward after he swallowed a huge gulp of nervousness.

Spacegodzilla- Um... We came to see you... Because there's this monster we know ... We're trying to kill him to no avail. So we decided to come to you for assistance.

???- How sweet.

Spacegodzilla- Can you please come out ? So we can see you ?

There was silence for a few seconds up till she spoke again.

???- Okay. So this is how is going to happen... All of you turn around and I'll come right now as promised.

Everyone glances at each other hitherto they gazze up at the crystals.

Spacegodzilla- Umm... Okay. Turn around.

Spacegodzilla and his crew simultaneously turn around , facing the path that was behind them. Thinking no one is watching , Gigan slowly turns around until the same voice booms out again.

???- Not even a peak !

Gigan quickly turns around amd faces the ground.

Megalon- How come she doesn't want us to look at her coming out ?

Orga- Who knows ?

Hedorah- ** She's probably all scrawny and such ! **

Gigan just stares at the ground as he ponders about the snake emperess. Why didn't she wanted them to see her ? Why was he feeling all.... Heated up inside ? Just thinking about it , made him into a blushing mess as they hear loud slithering behind them stop .

??- Okay. You can look now.

Everyone turns around andwhen they spotted the owner of the voice their jaws immediately dropped to the ground and felt like their eyes are gonna bulge out. Everyone became stone silent as they see who's in front of them.

It was Queen Serpentina. And she's extremely breathtakingly gorgeous. She is a porcelain white serpent with gold armor infused on her head , chest , shoulders , forearms , stomach , center of her belly to her tail and has small gold diamond shaped studs tracing down her back to the tip of her tail where she has a gold sharp stinger ; She has an emerald gemstone encrusted on the center of her forehead.

She has piercing electric green eyes , red eye markings , and has miniature snake heads for hands with ice blue eyes.

She also has voluptuous and a curvy body. Almost like a goddess's . Serpentina notices and smiles seductively as she approaches them closer.

Gigan's face completely turned red from blushing.  He could feel his heart uncontrollably pounding in his chest as he kept staring at the lovely serpent.

Serpentina- Now... What is it you want from me ?

Spacegodzilla- Umm.... W--we came to ask you to get rid of a guy we hate the most !

Serpentina- Fight me.

Gang- What ?!

Serpentina- You heard me... Fight me every one of you. If one of you guys win , I'll go. If not , ( checks out her claws ) I'm afraid I have to devour you all !

Gang- WHAT ?!

Megalon- Holy shit , man !

Orga- A sexy serpent empress is gonna devour every one of us if we don't win !

Gigan- ( Heart shaped eye and raises hand ) We'll do it !

Serpentina chuckles softly as she glissades over to Gigan with her body loosely coiled around him. He feels like he's gonna blow up any second now.

Serpentina- Good. Meet me at the arena in , let's say.... 2 hours. I'm sure , y'all be prepared for the fight. until then... Take all the time you need.

Serpentina then quickly slithers away out of the cave. Hebira , turns to look at the group and see Gigan go all lovey dovey before he faints and collapses onto the floor.

Hebira- Welp.... Let's get you guys ready.

To Be Continued....

Monster Island Buddies : The Serpent KaijuWhere stories live. Discover now