Serpentina vs Megalon

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Megalon- Well , looks like it's my turn , guys.

Megalon walks up to the center with Serpentina.

Megalon- Look , I've never thought I hurt a queen--Especially an attractive one.

Serpentina- Same here.

Hebira- ROUND 2 , FIGHT !!!

Megalon unleashes his killer beast light ray at Serpentina's chest , but she remained standing. Noticing this , Megalon stops and raises a puzzled brow.

Megalin- What the--? How come you're still--?

Serpentina chuckles while closing her eyes , making Megalon back up a little , feeling a tad nervous.

Serpentina- Are you oblivious ? Look at my body ! I am plastered with gold armor !

Then out of nowhere , she quickly glissades up to him and hits him with her snake head hands , making him tumble. Growling in annoyance , he attempts to hit her with his drill hands but she kept dodging and dodging until she suddenly went limp and falls to the ground with her eyes closed.

Megalon , the audience , and the Gang perplexed with puzzled and confused looks.

Megalon- What the ? What happened ?

Megalon looks back at his friends who just simply shrugged.

Gigan- What just happened ?

Orga- Why'd she fainted ?

Hebira- Oh , boy.

Orga- ( Faces Hebira ) What ?

Megalon walks up to Setpentina and picks her " unconscious " body up off the ground. He studies her looks to see if she really fainted. He gently shakes her body. No response.

Megalon- Hey . Open up your eyes.

Megalon , distracted , isn't aware of a white tail with a gold sharp stinger rose above his head. His Gang flummoxed. Serpentina's eyes snapped back open.Her tail jerks back amd whips Megalon across the face and he stumbles back. Serpentina then whips him again across his chest. She then slithers up to him and punches him with both her "hands" before she gem blasts him again as the force pushes him back all the way to the opposite side of the arena as yells out before he becomes knocked out cold.

Hebira- Megalon is unable to continue ! Serpentina wins  again !

All the serpents go wild for their beloved Queen as she bows to her people. She then glances at Gigan and flashes him a triumphant smirk.

Hebira looks at the rag tag team.

Hebira- So... Who's next ?

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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