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After a nearly 1 day trip to Serpent Island, everyone lands on the sandy beach and look around.

Spacegodzilla- So this is serpent Island huh ?

Megalon- Gotta say , it does feel and looks nice here than back at Monster Island.

Biollante- I am so coming back here next year for vacation !

Orga- Now all we gotta do is find this serpent chick and go back home.

Hedorah- ** I wish I brought my camera with me. I would've taken cool pictures ! **

Suddenly , they  perplexed as they heard something rustling in the bushes in front of them. Orga and Gigan gasp.

Megalon- What was that ?

Spacegodzilla- I don't know. But it's coming from right infront of us.

Orga- Watching us with it's....

Then a baby light rose pink snake pops out of the bushes. She has blood red eyes , a red gem on the middle of her chest , and has four fingered hands. The baby snake smikes sweetly before they relaxed .

Orga- ... Stealthness ?

The baby kaiju slithers up to Gigan with cute hissing sounds.

Gigan- Aww ! What a cutie !

Weakened by her cuteness , he picks her up and cradles her in his arms.

Megalon- Dude , what are you doing ?

Gigan- Aw come on , you guys. Does she look like a threat to you ?

Gigan shows her to his friends and she gives them a cute puppy eyed face. Sighing in defeat , They give up to her being adorable.

Megalon- Oh , what the heck ? She really is cute .

Orga- But where's her parents ?

With no one paying attention , Hedorah noticed a white tail slithering off behind a nearby palm tree.

Hedorah- ** You guys ? Maybe , this'll answer your question .**

The gang turn to where Hedorah is.

Gang- Huh ?

They see a pair of glowing cyan eyes.

Gigan- Umm , you guys ? What do you call those things that aren't snakes ?

Then in an instant , a kaiju emerges from the bushes in a pounce position with a loud hiss. It was another serpent monster. A grown female also. She is  ghost white with her head , chest , and center stomach all the way down to the tail is all infused with royal blue armor. She has cyan blue eyes and has regular fingered hands with razor sharp black claws.

Everyone simultaneously flinches and yelps out in fright. The female stands up and glares coldly at the evil kaiju . And without a moment's hesitation , she slithers up to Spacegodzilla with the quickness and coils him up as she glowers down at him.

???- Don't move , Crystal-shoulders ! Or you'll never be able to move your body again !

Spacegodzilla- Whoa there ! Take it easy ! We're not here to kill you !

The female snake ignores him and turns to the baby with a caring look.

???- Ruby , are you hurt ?

The baby simply smiles and shakes her head 'no' before she hops out of Gigan's arms and slithers over to the grown up. The blue serpent proceeds to glare at the leader with her hold becoming increasingly too tight for Spacegodzilla to handle.  He grunts in pain before he looks up at her.

Spacegodzilla- Listen ! We ain't here to hurt you !

Hedorah- We're looking for Serpentina !

Megalon- Are you Serpentina ?

She stops hissing and looks at the followers with a blank look for a minute before she finally frees Spacegodzilla , making him gasp aloud as he clutches to his stomach.

Spacegodzilla- Geez , lady ! One more squeeze and you'll be making my crystals pop out if my shoulders like fireworks.

???- Well , my apologies. It wasn't my fault you tried to hurt Ruby.

The ghostly pale kaiju looks down at the baby pink snake and picks her up before she looks at the gang.

???- Anyways , I am not Serpentina. I am Hebira . Queen Serpentina's guard.

???- ( Aghast ) QUEEN ?!

Orga- Serpentina's a Queen ?!

Hedorah- **No way  , dude !  **

Hebira- That's right ! And Ruby here's nit my kid. She's Serpentina's little niece and it was my job to watch out for her.

Gigan- Well , can you take us to her ?

Hebira- ( Looks at Gigan ) I can.... ( Looks at Spacegodzilla ) But it's gonna cost ya !

Megalon- Cost us ?!

Spacegodzilla- Cost us what ?

Hebira- What do you think ya big crystal gila monster ? Money !

Spacegodzilla- Nuh uh ! No way !

Orga- For the love of God , Spacegodzilla , just give her the money so we can find Serpentina !

Gigan- Yeah , you guys ! Just pay her up and will see her !

Hebira- ( Rolls eyes ) Look , boys and girl , that's the way it works here in Serpent Island , okay ? do you want to see the Queen or not ?

Spacegodzilla looks at his comrades who are staring right back at him with hopeful and pressuring looks . He then looks back at the snakes and sighs in defeat.

Spacegodzilla- ( Quietly ) Fine ! ( Normal tone ) Okay , I'll pay up !

Hebira smirks softly as the clueless Ruby looks off into space. Spacegodzilla shobes a hand in his "pocket" and takes out his wallet before he takes out his money and momentarily counts it out. He looks up at Hebira.

Spacegodzilla- How much ?

Hebira- 100 bucks , motherfucker .

Spacegodzilla huffs arrogantly before he takes out a 100 dollar bill out and hands it to Hebira , who smirks confidently at him.

Hebira- Okay. Follow me , boys.

Hebira slithers off into the jungle with the evil monsters following suit.

To Be Continued...

Yes , most of my serpent kaiju will represent Serpent Karai

Monster Island Buddies : The Serpent KaijuWhere stories live. Discover now